
Key insights about Process Automation in 2022 [State of Process Automation 2022]

Processes are the invisible, often ignored algorithms that determine the functioning of an organization. In the right hands, they can be a pathway to growth and scale. So it’s good to understand what their importance is.

Today we’ll talk about the state of process automation in 2022. And if you’d like, you can read the entire report on the topic from Camunda. In the meantime, we invite you to read our report below.

The Importance of Process Automation 

The importance of process automation to IT decision-makers today cannot be overstated. 

According to 82 percent of respondents, process automation has become a greater priority for their organizations in the past year. Additionally, it is described as one of the most important elements of digital transformation by 92% of people.  What’s more, according to the same percentage of respondents, process automation improves business efficiency and allows employees to focus on more complex strategic tasks.

Source: Camunda’s State of Process Automation Report 2022 

The automation of processes is making a difference now. Almost 90% of decision-makers (89%) say it has increased business growth in the past year – and a third have generated at least 100% ROI in the past year. It may be for this reason that 88% of organizations plan to increase investment in process automation in the next 24 months, with 46% planning to increase it significantly.

Source: Camunda’s State of Process Automation Report 2022 

Automation of Processes is Still Not a Top Priority

Although many respondents recognize the value of process automation, only 12% say they have implemented it as planned this year. More importantly, while most organizations are prioritizing process automation more than they did last year, 78% say it should be a greater priority.

These factors are holding back process automation across industries:

Source: Camunda’s State of Process Automation Report 2022 

Furthermore, 32% of respondents blamed their organization’s reliance on legacy systems for not automating its processes this past year.

Another barrier to success is market confusion, which persists. A majority of respondents believe there is no difference between process automation, robotic process automation (RPA), business process management (BPM), and hyper-automation or that the difference is minimal.

Updates in Process Automation

Process automation is becoming increasingly popular among organizations as a result of these challenges and a desire to do more. On average, respondents believe that about 48% of their organization’s processes are currently automated, up 2 percentage points from 2020. In addition, respondents expected 58% of their processes to be automated within 24 months in 2020 – a 12-point increase over 46% in 2010.

 Source: Camunda’s State of Process Automation Report 2022 

As a result, it’s interesting to see how organizations are using process automation to accomplish an array of tasks, from connecting IoT devices to performing telco and voice interactions. 

 Source: Camunda’s State of Process Automation Report 2022 

Companies want to implement process automation plans because of a wide range of business drivers. Topping the list is better customer service. It should come as no surprise that companies regularly cite improving customer experiences as one of their primary goals for digital transformation. 

Process automation, however, can be perceived and used differently. 

 Source: Camunda’s State of Process Automation Report 2022 

Digital Transformation Opportunities

88% of respondents in Camunda’s survey say their organization plans to increase investment in it over the next 24 months – with nearly half (46%) expecting to significantly increase investment. This is compared with the 84% that planned to increase investment when asked the same question in 2020.

In order to maximize the impact of this investment, organizations must focus on eliminating obstacles that continue to limit even further success. Using these five opportunities, organizations can overcome barriers and embrace process automation to its full potential:

 Source: Camunda’s State of Process Automation Report 2022 

Over to you

Process automation is being used by organizations to facilitate a wide range of tasks. As companies’ business goals change, they are increasingly valuing process automation, and their commitment to incorporating it into their future is only growing.

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