More than 50 speakers, 180 exhibitors and 7000 visitors from all over the world came to Berlin to exchange knowledge and gather unique e-commerce insights. E-commerce Berlin Expo took place in STATION Berlin for the fifth time in a row and was bigger and more successful than ever before.
EBE2020 was special for a few reasons. It was a jubilee edition of this prestigious conference, and it has been gaining popularity and reputation for the last five years. This year, organizers set up the bar very high, whetting up the appetite for the sixth edition in 2021.

What made this edition so good, though?
Visitors were able to participate in keynotes on 5 stages including speakers like:
- Katharina Huke – (CCO) idealo internet
- Markus Imhof (eCommerce Partner Manager) Elavon
- Shefali Bhatnagar (YouTube Action Lead) Google
- Carsten Muerl (DirectorProductManagement) Mastercard
- MaxMelching (BereichsleiterOnline Marketing) Douglas
- Tom Pham (Global Ecommerce Operations Manager) Beiersdorf
- Lisa Dauvermann (IndustryLeadeCommerce) Facebook
- Dr.Christian Kahl (UserExperienceLead) CyberSolutions
- RamonPallaske (EUProgram Manager) Audible
- Michael Atug eCommerceROCKSTAR
- Philipp Engelmann (Head of Product Management) Mytheresa
- Andreas Schmidt (Product Owner Payments), Zalando
Each stage was packed with knowledge… and people who cameto absorb it. EBE2020 was one of these events where the audience was spoilt with insightful talks and presentations of the best professionals in the business.

Visitors from over25 countries
Do not be mistaken by the name of that event. While E-commerce Berlin Expo takes place in – obviously – Berlin, it has been attracting people from all over the world who have to make extra effort to come to Berlin for this one-day event. Is it worth coming? Statistics say it right: 7000 visitors could not be wrong.
“The E-Commerce-Expo Berlin radiates a spirit of optimism that is now often missed at established events. It is a good meeting point for retailers and merchants to find out about all the building blocks necessary for successful e-commerce and to network with the right partners. The fair has a clear sales and marketing focus, but there are still a good number of professionals on site. There are also many exhibitors and visitors from all over Europe who rarely appear at comparable events.” Roland Fesenmayr, CEO, OXID eSales AG

Renowned exhibitors
It is hard to disagree that EBE attracts more and more appealing exhibitors from all over the world. The networking zone was sponsored by Dubai CommerCity, while among exhibitors you could meet Shopify, ChannelAdvisor, AustrianPost, Asendia, idealo, JTL Software, Mapp, Oxid eSales, Rakuten, Shopware or Wirecard.
Doesn’t it sound impressive? If you are on a constant lookout for business partners, amazing insights and tools for your e-commerce, you can really benefit from there a few hours spent in Berlin.

The cherry on top: E-commerce Germany Awards
There is no E-commerce Berlin Expo without E-commerce Germany Awards! This prestigious gala took place on Wednesday evening prior to the main event. More than 350 companies submitted their proposals in 10 categories. The finalists have been chosen by public voting, and the winners have been chosen then by the jury (check who was in the jury this year) voting and awarded at the EBE20 networking party.
- Best Sales Generating Tool – idealo
- Best Customer Communication Tool – eDESK by xSellco
- Best Solution for International Expansion – ChannelAdvisor
- Best Logistics Solution – THIMM pack`n`display
- Best Platform/Shop Software – Dynamicweb
- Best Payment Provider – Billie
- Best Analytics Tool/BI Solutions – Luigi`s Box
- Best Agency of the Year – T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
- IT and Infrastructural Solutions – Anexia
- Innovation/ New Development in E-commerce – RoboBIZZ
EBE 2021? Save the date!
E-commerce Berlin Expo is THE event that e-commerce professionals just cannot miss if they want to spice up their e-commerce game. And this is why they should already pencil a date of the next edition in the diary.
E-commerce Berlin Expo 2021 will take place on the 18.02.2021
For further questions, reach out to PR-Manager, Aleksandra Miedzynska at [email protected].
The E-Commerce Berlin Expo is an annual exhibition and the conference that has become a leading e-commerce event in Berlin with representatives from Google, Facebook, Zalando and Otto Group as past participants. Learn more at: