We have no idea where all this time has passed by, but the truth is: the Call For Papers contest has come to an end. This year was a record-breaking one, and unusual one, for many various reasons.
To keep you in suspense (for a little while longer!), we decided to show you the Contest in numbers that speak for themselves. Scroll down, read on and finally find out who’s going to rock the stage during the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2021!
# 330 submissions
This year, we got over 330 submissions to our inboxes. We had to carefully check them all, read all of the amazing ideas and group them into a few categories that we then left for you, dear Internet users, to browse through and judge by yourselves.
The level of this year’s submissions was incredibly hard and we personally regret we can’t welcome many of those presentations on our stage. The winner takes it all, though!
# 30 case studies
Among those 330 submissions, we were extremely impressed to see over 30 insightful case studies of a successful collaboration between a vendor, provider or agency and an end client.
And among many goals of E-commerce Berlin Expo initiatives, our main one is to provide value and we believe that with case studies, our audience is in for a treat and unique knowledge, unavailable anywhere else.
# 60 female submissions

More than 60 submissions we have received this year belonged to women. We see the steady progress over the years in that area but saying that we are over the moon with this achievement would be an exaggeration.
We really want to, encourage and will always invite women to step up on our stages, show their real power and potential, but also visit our Expo.
This amazing diversity comes along with exclusive knowledge transfer and perspective that many men would be envious of. That is why we will put an even bigger focus on diversity in the following editions.
# 12 000 votes
Yes, we haven’t mistakenly put an extra zero here! Over 12 thousand votes have been casted throughout the whole contest.
While every voter had 6 votes they could have left, not everyone decided to vote in each category.
The reach of our contest surpassed our expectations and helped us – and mainly the submissions – get to markets they haven’t even been at before. The contest itself generated a lot of positive feedback and comments across social media.
Let’s also highlight here casting a valid vote required having an LinkedIn account for further authentication. This way, we avoided not only hassle, but first of all, any fraud possibilities, bot activities or fake votes that would harm both the contest and all of the contestants. And this mechanism makes the astonishing number of 12 000 votes even greater!
# 30 presentations in the final round
Competition has been really fierce, until the very last second! There were many submissions that stood out with their topics and number of collected votes, however, only 30 “best of the best” presentations got to the second round, where our Advisory Board will take each and every of them under the magnifying glass.
While 30 is the lead number here, we’d like to send a big “thank you” to everyone who submitted their proposal as many of them were simply exceptional and insightful for the world of ecommerce. And it’s about 330 submissions we have received this year. Thank you!

# 8 advisors
For a few last days, our Advisory Board was having a quite tough nut to crack. How to choose the best presentations and reward them with a presentation slot during the E-commerce Berlin Expo 2021, if there are so many great presentations to select from? We must admit here that we didn’t really envy the job of our excellent Advisory Board.
But, actually, who makes the Advisory Board and why we decided to choose those people? We wanted to involve e-commerce experts who run prestigious brands, have vast e-commerce experience and… know the vibe and audience of E-commerce Berlin Expo. That’s why some of the names you may think you’ve already seen on one of our agendas – and you’re totally right!
- Max Melching – Director Online Marketing @ PARFÜMERIE DOUGLAS – Max is responsible for the departments of online marketing, data intelligence and retail media at Douglas since 2018. Also, you may have watched Max’s performance during EBE 2020.
- Konstantin Guratzsch – Senior SEO Manager @ Xing. Konstantin has worked in online marketing / SEO for SYZYGY Media GmbH (formerly uniquedigital), Deutsche Telekom AG, Visable GmbH and has been a Senior SEO manager at XING for the past 5 years.
- Claes Larsson – Head of Enterprise Applications @ Flaconi. Previously he was working in tech giants like Zalando, which he represented during EBE 2019.
- Ben Harmanus – Principal Marketing Manager, EMEA @ Hubspot. He has been using the web for more than 20 years to help people, brands and products achieve sustainable growth.
- Zoltan Maklary – Director Marketing @ notebooksbilliger.de. Notbooksbilliger.de is the largest German online retailer in the consumer electronics segment. Notebooksbilliger.de generated over 1 billion euro revenue last year and operates 7 stores in Germany.
- Thomas Ficht – Head of payment @ MyToys – Thomas studied law in Berlin, Alicante and Sydney. As a lawyer he worked in Santiago de Chile, Cologne and Berlin. His eCommerce career started in 2011 at Zalando where he specialized in payments.
- Olga Spaet – E-Commerce Lead Region Overseas @ Mercedes-Benz Cars – currently she is responsible for the rollout of an eCommerce platform and enablement of eCommerce business for new & used vehicles sales as well as customer service products at Mercedes-Benz Region Overseas countries all other the world.
- Victoria Chirita – Founder & CEO @ DeinDesign – Victoria is the founder of the product beautifier DeinDesign. DeinDesign has specialized in the customization of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, notebooks, game consoles and the like since it was founded in 2006. The company has established itself as an innovation leader in a very dynamic market segment.

What are you saying? Do we hear you right? It’s a jaw-dropping team, right?
# 6 winners
There can be only one winner… or six winners, each of them in a separate category. We know that you were all waiting for it for long weeks now, so without further ado – here comes the list of winners in each category. We can’t wait to see their presentations live in 2021!
The confirmed winners of the Call For Papers Contest 2021 are:
- Website Conversion Rate – Ralph Hünermann, ODOSCOPE, “Situational real-time personalization revolutionizes the shopping experience at PETER HAHN”
- Marketing in E-commerce –, Matthäus Michalik & Peter Hartmann, Claneo x Henkel “Global SEO: Think Global, Act Local”
- New Development in E-commerce / Current Trends -, Kai Müller & Marco Gehrig, Experience One & Mercedes-Benz “From Zero to the Top: the E-commerce App for Connected Services Will Soon Emerge to Become a Scalable Marketplace for Mercedes-Benz “
- IT for e-commerce, Jan Żaba, TIM.pl – Expand product catalogue by opening PIM to your partners using PimCore
- Logistics / Delivery / International Expansion – Decem Poon, oddity Asia “From Europe to Asia: Why is China a Golden Gateway to Tap into Southeast Asia”
- ePayments -, Kerstin Valet, CRIF Bürgel “Betrugsprävention neu denken – Dank Künstlicher Intelligenz und verhaltensbasierter Biometrie”