
E-commerce Folks: Meet Max Wittrock

E-commerce Folks: Meet Max Wittrock mymuesli

Time for Max Wittrock from mymuesli in our “E-commerce Folks” series!

In “E-commerce Folks” we introduce e-commerce professionals to our readers through a short questionnaire with all the same 15 short sentences to finish.

Short & sweet: no facts and figures, no case studies, no company’s strategies. Just them and their quick insights about e-commerce.


My adventure with e-commerce started when… we founded mymuesli in 2007.

…But when I was a child, I wanted to be… lots of things

The most overrated thing in e-commerce is… hmmm

The most underrated thing in e-commerce is… product experience

The biggest success I had working in e-commerce was… and still is the development of our company since 2007

The biggest mistake I made in e-commerce (and how I dealt with it) was… there were and still are many mistakes. We deal with them through team effort. That’s what we truly believe in: A great team can solve pretty much any problem.

This year’s hottest trend in e-commerce is… something we will probably consider to be old-fashioned in 2019

In 10 years, e-commerce… will be even bigger than it is today

When I hire people, I care most about… the candidate’s passion

An e-commerce business/venture that inspires me most… is Einhorn Condoms

An e-commerce (or related) website that I read most often is… Exciting Commerce by Jochen Krisch

My favourite online shop is… mymuesli, of course

I can’t imagine my work without… listening to music on my headphones

To motivate myself… I work out in the morning

The advice I would give to my younger self is… not to worry too much


E-commerce Folks: Meet Max Wittrock mymuesliFollow Max Wittrock @:

Max Wittrock’s official website

LinkedIn: maxwittrock

Twitter: @maxwittrock