Reports Trends

Hot Consumer Trends 2030: all key takeaways

Shopping is one of the essential activities in our everyday life. They are shaped by the progress of civilization, which, consequently, influences consumer purchasing trends. As a result, an increasing amount of research is being conducted about them.

In recent years, buyers have increasingly focused on product quality. It has become the primary determinant of the choice of goods. Individualism also goes hand in hand with quality. It’s about the product’s personalization, which has an increasing impact on customers’ purchasing decisions. But what trends are actually taking shape in our future? We will answer this question in a moment!

If you’re looking for answers to more questions, be sure to check out Ericsson’s 10 Hot Consumer Trends 2030 report here.

Explore the Everyspace

This report focuses on hybrid shopping experiences at the fictional EverySpace Gallery. According to the forecasts for 2030, the combination of Internet-enabled devices and real, physical locations will be a completely common part of every gadget lover’s daily life.

source: Ericsson’s 10 Hot Consumer Trends 2030 report

This time, Ericsson asked consumers to evaluate 15 facilities operating in the hybrid shopping mall, which, thanks to the use of digital technology, expand the scope of our physical experiences. Almost 80% of respondents believe that all of the 15 tested concepts will be available in some form by 2030. Through technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and programmable materials, such as “physical-virtual” objects will become a reality.

#1 The all-now arena

Nearly 8 out of 10 respondents believe that event halls will be equipped with telepresence technology in 2030, enabling international artists or sports teams to perform virtually as if they were there in person. But telepresence may also appeal to the public. For example, 77 percent of participants expect these halls to be equipped with global surround sound systems so they can all sing along with fantastic depth and volume. 

By making events truly interactive, digital technology will blur the boundaries between movies, games, sports, exhibitions, and education. All of these elements are part of the event experience that most respondents prefer. What’s more, at least 55 percent want to visit a museum that re-creates historical events using advanced AR/VR technology to make them feel like they are there in person. 

#2 The immersive beauty salon

Beauty treatments have gone digital during the pandemic. Globally, the demand for improving one’s “lockdown face” surged as more people worked from home and held video meetings. 

Nearly 7 out of 10 consumers believe that beauty salons that apply make-up programmed to adjust colors and patterns based on your surroundings and the time of day will be available by 2030. In addition, according to 71 percent of respondents, hairdressers will employ AI to analyze the hairstyles of passersby and offer the most fashionable haircuts.

#3 The meta tailor

With the rapid increase in video calls, AR filters, online game outfits and the use of avatars, we all can bring stylistic self-expression to our hybrid selves.

The majority of respondents expect that there will be a tailor in the mall who uses robot sewing machines and 3D printing to make low-cost, custom-fit clothing, and half of them look forward to visiting such a tailor. In addition, many people desire tailors who employ AI-controlled sewing robots to adjust, mend, and repair their clothes at a low cost while they wait.

By 2030, 72 percent of AR/VR users anticipate that there will be a tailor who will use programmable materials to make clothes waterproof or ventilated, whereas 43 percent of non-users anticipate this.

source: Ericsson’s 10 Hot Consumer Trends 2030 report

#4 The anyverse pool 

Consumers surveyed believe that by 2030, malls will have swimming pools where you can wear oxygenated VR headsets that make you feel as if you are floating in outer space in zero gravity. The world around you will be enhanced digitally with stars, spanning vast distances in a hybrid experience despite swimming underwater.

45 percent of respondents say they would like to experience an Anyverse Pool by 2030. In addition, consumers would like to dive into fantastic underwater worlds full of real or imagined creatures with oxygenated VR headsets, and nearly as many want to experience the sinking of the Titanic as if they were there.

#5 The hybrid gym 

Step-counters and wearables have taken the body project one step further in the information age. Yet, even though health is a crucial motivation, social pressures have always played a role.

However, affluence could remain key to future health, as the cost is rated as the most damaging aspect. Among non-users of AR/VR, 46 percent are concerned about high costs, compared with 35 percent of AR/VR users.

In the Hybrid Gym, social aspects of wellness remain paramount – 8 out of 10 consumers expect treadmills and exercise bikes with AR/VR to immerse people in online environments, and almost half want such facilities in malls.

#6 The print-a-wish multifactory

Consumers have long been concerned about sustainability and the climate crisis. Historically, there have been fewer affordable options for those on a budget. Still, with the increasing cost efficiency of automated, on-demand 3D printing, there may finally be affordable and attractive solutions that address the need for renewal and repair locally and sustainably.

source: Ericsson’s 10 Hot Consumer Trends 2030 report

This future could happen, according to consumers. By 2030, almost eight out of ten consumers envision make-your-own factories that allow visitors to choose customized designs for any product – such as furniture, kitchen items, or toys.

#7 The restaurant at the node of the universe

Three-quarters of consumers believe that, by 2030, there will be restaurant chains that will connect you virtually to friends eating at other restaurants, allowing you to feel as if you are eating together. The same proportion thinks that restaurants will let us edit out disturbing noise, and slightly more than half see themselves enjoying a meal in this way. 

While half of the respondents want to visit a restaurant to eat with friends virtually, nearly a quarter of those who do not want to eat such meals say the same feature will have adverse effects. A further 28 percent mention 3D-printed food served in such restaurants as unfavorable, extending the slippery slope of restaurant digitalization beyond the social dimension.

#8 The Neverending Store 

Almost three-quarters of all respondents believe that retailers will use AR/VR to offer an unlimited range of items for customers to try out in-store, almost as if they were real. In addition, customers expect personalized inspiration to help them choose the right product, such as the ability to project a digital replica of their own home onto the shop floor and physically test out new products as if at home. 

Additionally, stores are expected to do much more than sell products. For example, almost 8 out of 10 consumers assume retailers in hybrid malls will provide AR/VR classes on using the products they buy. 

#9 The Medical Multiplex Center 

Seventy-seven percent of consumers expect local medical centers in malls to have AI health-scanning equipment by 2030, which will give them an accurate health status update within minutes. Most people expect such a facility to have fully connected equipment that can calculate individualized medicine dosages. 

In addition, 8 out of 10 expect the Multiplex Medical Center to have much more information about patients and their habits. Compared with only 51 percent of AR/VR users, 58 percent of non-AR/VR users want to use the drop-in AI health-scanning service mentioned above.

#10 The Nature+ Park 

Consumers were most interested in the concept of a Nature+ Park for personal use, with 42 percent hoping to visit one in their local shopping mall by 2030. Nature+ Park’s top feature is its AR/VR zoo, where you can interact with extinct animals in their habitat. 73 percent of consumers envision an AR/VR zoo where they could interact with extinct animals and 55 percent want to visit such a place. 

Last words

The world is developing at an amazing pace and offers us so many opportunities. A lot will change by 2030, and how many of these trends will come actual remains to be seen. Either way, these ten trends look promising!