
AI in Advertising: 81% of Germans Advocate for Clear Labeling

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a topic for tech enthusiasts – it has become part of everyday life. A new survey by Appinio sheds light on how Germans perceive AI in advertising and what expectations they have for companies using AI in their communication.

The vast majority, 96% of Germans, have already heard of AI, with 34% able to explain what it is. Moreover, two-thirds are aware of AI-driven advertising campaigns, and 81% demand clear labeling of AI-generated content. Notably, skepticism is highest among the younger demographic, with 42% of 16-24-year-olds expressing doubts about AI in advertising.

Growing Interest in AI-Powered Campaigns: Mango Takes Center Stage

The AI-powered advertising campaign by Mango, featuring AI-generated models, has captured significant public attention. With AI advertising becoming more mainstream, two-thirds of those familiar with AI have heard of such campaigns, and one in four specifically recognize Mango’s innovative use of AI.

But how do consumers perceive these AI-generated visuals? Do they impact trust in the brand? Appinio’s survey of 1,000 individuals reveals that 72% of respondents view Mango’s AI-generated models and clothing as realistic. The campaign resonates across all age groups, and two-thirds of participants rate its aesthetics and presentation as good or very good. Additionally, 62% understand Mango’s use of AI as a cost-effective strategy.

When it comes to brand trust, the response is mixed. While 41% remain neutral, 38% view the campaign positively, and 21% hold a negative perception. Among existing Mango customers, 54% say their loyalty remains unchanged, and 63% of all respondents express a continued interest in shopping with Mango.

Clear Labeling of AI Content: A Priority for Germans

The AI-driven advertising by Mango has not gone unnoticed, as it highlights the growing importance of transparency in AI-generated content. With two-thirds of Germans aware of AI campaigns and one in four familiar with Mango’s efforts, the demand for clear labeling is more crucial than ever. This trend underscores the importance of transparency as AI continues to shape the future of advertising.

The survey was conducted by Appinio from August 5 to 6, 2024. 1,000 people in Germany between the ages of 16 and 65 were surveyed, nationally representative of the age and gender of the population.
