
How eCommerce brand turn abandoned carts into sales and generate an extra 2.6 Million EUR in Revenue?

Smania is a successful eCommerce brand that sells accessories across Europe, and they have achieved over 150 million euros in turnover in recent years. However, they also faced a common challenge in the online retail industry: cart abandonment.

Like many other online retailers, they are investing a lot in paid advertising (Meta, Google, TikTok etc.) and because of this, cart abandonment was a problem that had to be adressed.

Average abandoned cart rate is 70,19%

Cart abandonment is when a potential customer adds items to their shopping cart, but leaves the website without completing the purchase. This means lost revenue and wasted marketing efforts for the business. 

According to the Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate is 70.19%, which means that only 3 out of 10 customers actually buy what they put in their cart. 

Smania estimated that they were losing around 3 million euros a year because of cart abandonment. They wanted to find an effective and fast solution to recover some of those lost sales and increase their conversion rate.

Testing possible solutions

In the quest to recover revenue from abandoned shopping carts, various tools and strategies were tested. These included retargeting ads, email campaigns, and SMS notifications, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Let’s delve into the details of these approaches: 

  • Retargeting ads 

Retargeting ads were considered as one of the potential solutions. However, it’s worth noting that they turned out to be the most expensive option among the tested strategies. 

  • Retargeting email 

Email campaigns were another avenue explored. However, the results indicated that retargeting emails had a relatively low open rate of 20% and a click-through rate (CTR) of 9%. This lower engagement rate might be attributed to email fatigue or other factors. 

  • Abandoned cart SMS 

Abandoned cart SMS notifications emerged as a promising solution. They exhibited a remarkable 99% open rate and an impressive CTR of 30%. Moreover, SMS notifications were found to be not only effective but also swift in delivery. 

Based on these results, it became evident that the abandoned cart SMS strategy stood out as the most efficient, cost-effective, and rapid solution for recovering lost revenue. With its exceptional 99% open rate and high CTR, it was a clear winner among the tested methods.

Use this simple solution and increase your sales up to 30% on Autopilot!

Recovering abandoned carts with SMS marketing

SMS marketing is the practice of sending text messages to your customers or prospects, usually with a clear call to action. SMS marketing has many advantages over other channels, such as: 

High open rates: SMS messages have an average open rate of 98%, compared to 20% for email. 

Fast delivery: SMS messages are delivered instantly, unlike email which can be delayed by spam filters or inbox clutter. 

Personal touch: SMS messages are more personal and direct than email, allowing you to build trust and rapport with your customers. 

Mobile-friendly: SMS messages are optimized for mobile devices, which is where most online shopping happens nowadays. 

SMS abandoned cart recovery in numbers

Smania case study results
Smania achieved phenomenal results, reaping an astounding 2,674,233 € in extra revenue. With a strategic investment of €41,748, they secured an impressive ROI of 6405.66%. This success story saw a remarkable influx of 74,948 additional orders, underscoring the effectiveness of CartFox SMS in not only recovering lost opportunities but also propelling Smania to new heights of financial success.

CartFox simple 2-step setup: 

Open a Free CartFox Account (No Subscription Required): 

Begin by visiting and sign up for a free CartFox account. Once you’ve registered, add your website and install the CartFox plugin. After completing the setup process, you’ll be able to implement Smania’s highly effective abandoned cart automation strategy, which promises exceptional ROI. 

Activate a Two-Step SMS Abandoned Cart Automation: 

To maximize your cart recovery efforts, activate a two-step SMS abandoned cart automation. 

First, set up the initial SMS to be sent 15 minutes after cart abandonment. This message serves as a notification without offering any discounts. Here’s a sample notification message: “Complete your order before our stock runs out! Click here: {CheckoutUrl}” 

Following this, configure the second SMS, which will be sent only to those who haven’t responded to the first message. Send it 45 minutes after the initial message with an enticing 10% discount to incentivize completion. 

For example, you can use this message: “Get 10% off your purchase! Finish your order now: {CheckoutUrl}” By following these steps, you’ll effectively engage customers who’ve abandoned their carts, increasing the chances of successful conversions while providing a clear and actionable guide to utilizing the CartFox platform

All you need for SMS marketing in one plugin

Starting an SMS marketing campaign with CartFox is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is install the plugin (available on all bigger CMS platforms), register here:, and you’re ready to go! The platform is user-friendly and does not require any technical knowledge or expertise to set up and use.

Upon registering and installing the plugin, you will be greeted by 30 pre-written and tested SMS templates that have been translated into 15 different languages. This allows you to reach customers from all over the world, regardless of their language or location. You can customize these templates to fit the tone and style of your brand, or even create your own SMS messages from scratch. 


CartFox makes SMS marketing accessible and effective, with features such as abandoned cart SMSes, SMS marketing campaigns, and post-purchase SMSes. With its ease of implementation and use, CartFox is a must-have for any business looking to improve its SMS marketing efforts in 2023.

Not sure if CartFox will suit your needs? Don’t worry. You can send the first 500 SMS-es for free! Register here  >> Cartfox FREE Registration and enter this coupon code: GERNL500 to receive free messages.
