Deoxyribonucleic acid is the material in humans and almost all other organisms.
Almost every cell in our bodies has the same DNA. That means every part of us is similar in some way and in general, makes our look and character consistent.
You might wonder what that’s got to the E-commerce Berlin Expo. As it might sound odd, they have a lot in common – or at least 8 resemblances.
Can an event have DNA?
Technically – that’s not possible. Nevertheless, some organizations work like organisms according to Gareth Morgan’s theory.
Although not all of the points connected with this metaphor work, we can say that event management recalls some of these features.
As the Expo is made from people to people, we feel that values represented by our project reflect the human organism. DNA is here understood as an integral part of the project, its core that represents its cornerstones, which are visible in actions.
These values are embedded in our event’s DNA, like specific code into the human body. The E-commerce Berlin Expo is a bit like an organism, that consists of many inseparable parts.
Time for Q&A
Maybe you’re wondering if you would fit into the community of our expo. Answer the questions below and see how compatible are your values and goals with ours.
Check the compatibility of your DNA and see what our guests say about The E-commerce Berlin Expo. It’s always better to know for your colleagues’ opinion, isn’t it?
Are you keen on innovative thinking?
If we were asked to choose one of our purposes, which we are guided by, innovative thinking would be in the top ten.
On EBE we conduct people from the e-commerce industry to create a place where they can fluently communicate with each other and their potential clients.
Do you look for information to overtake your competitors? Then thinking in an innovative way is key for your actions.
We make space for exhibitors, as well as geeks who just like our field and treat it as an opportunity to get more knowledge.
We are happy to host companies, who are leading the market but also those who are fresh, yet ready to grow. We want to connect big -players with startups, business owners with people seeking answers to help them establish their first company.
If you belong to any of these groups, you won’t waste your time by joining our event.
You can say how our participants differ and what are their needs by watching a short flashback from last year:
Although our visitors have different purposes and there are various companies which participate in The E-commerce Berlin Expo, we all have a common goal as salespeople – to be innovative and achieve our goals. We need to keep our focus ahead to be prepared for the upcoming trends, which can redefine shopping.
MasterCard, a regular guest at EBE, is an example of a leader in innovation. It’s focused on setting the foundation of the future of payments in a sustainable way. They Tweet about us! Here’s a sneak peek of what keynotes given by MasterCard reps included:
Do you want to know the business tips of the brands who rock the industry?
Size doesn’t matter. If you’re a big player, you can meet influential people and compare your business ideas. If you’re a newcomer, you can get inspiration from specialists, whose experience is long-term in this field. Here you have a possibility to ask questions and learn from successful brands directly.
Even if you already have a prosperous company, you can meet CEO, COOs, managers and directors, who drive the world market. If you want to expand your sales strategy, gain new experience and get fresh insights – be our guest!
Here in EBE we collaborate with Dubai Commercecity, which is the first free zone dedicated to e-commerce in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia region. It’s a 2.1-million square feet development which value is expected to reach 20 billion by 2020 in the GCC countries. Here’s what they shared on their LinkedIn:

You could meet also other game-changers, according to the testimonial of Katharina Fentem, B2B Idealo editor:
“Other speakers from industry giants such as Facebook, Google and Zalando took the stage micro into their hands. The top players in the e-commerce industry shared their expertise with retailers and offered them the opportunity to expand their knowledge and networks and to find new potential leads.”
“Thanks to the mix, the grown-ups were able to gather fresh ideas from the creative little ones during B2B talks, and the other way around they benefit from the expertise of the experienced.” Marie Nitschmann, Frische Frische, PR team member
Do you focus on up-to-date topics?
Learning from the best is inscribed in our DNA, as it’s impossible to grow and lead the market without proper knowledge. We don’t want to be left behind and try to know everything about the novelties from the industry.
We also want to spread our knowledge and show businesspeople the burning topics, new paths and actions which they might undertake to make the most of their company.
That’s why each year we dedicate our time to organizing engaging lectures, which can open visitors eyes and broaden their horizons. We are driven by our guests’ opinions, which show how substantive and useful are the speeches of our participants.
“I was able to take a lot out of the influencer lecture and found the statement that H&M reached over 12 million people with just four influencers very surprising.” Enrico Schminke, content creator at Solution 360
Although we know how valuable is the knowledge, which we share, we believe it should be accessible to everyone who’s interested in e-commerce business. We try to raise subjects, which are crucial to the challenges, which we face every day as the salespeople.
Katharina Fentem from Idealo listed:
“Berlin’s largest event in the industry was again free of charge for visitors this year. Topics such as trends, sustainability, design, logistics and email marketing were presented and discussed by 170 exhibitors and around 40 speakers.”
We make sure that people who, lead lectures, always have outstanding experience in the business field.
One of them was Philipp Engelmann (Head of Product Management in Mytheresa), who recalls his innovative speech in an article on Medium:
“I recently gave two keynotes at Akeneo PIM Summit 2020 in Paris and Ecommerce Berlin Expo 2020 on the topic “How to build digital products for Generation Z.”
If you couldn’t come last year, you can see a sneak peek from Philip’s lecture. You can find it here, but it just a drop in the sea of our workshop propositions.
Is the future of e-commerce important to you?
If we made a survey, this question would probably gain a hundred percent affirmative answers. It doesn’t matter if you start up a fresh brand and you’re ready to grow or want to bring more profit to your existing company – future is what scares all of us but also gives new opportunities. It’s profitable to invest in your future as, by the end of 2020, global e-commerce sales is expected to reach $4.2 trillion making up 16% of total retail sales.
By analyzing trends and predicting market changes, we can seize chances, which are likely to become a holy grail. Specialists are aware of that and emphasize the meaning of being flexible enough to fit into the new reality. We provide you with such insights during the lectures and discussions, which take place on the Ecom:
“ explained what challenges shop operators will have to look out for in the future. To be able to compete with large marketplaces, showed e-commerce growth drivers and success factors and referred to the importance of sustainability in online trading.” – Katharina Huke – a CCO of Idealo
If you want to see what a keynote thinks about our event, check out this video – it will take you less than two minutes, but can make you change your mind:
Are you open-minded and crave new ideas to boost your business?
There’s nothing that would take your perspective further, then exchanging business (and life overall) experiences with people raised in other cultures. In the expo, you can meet representatives from almost all over the world. The multicultural environment is like a heart to EBE’s body. Words of our exhibitors speak for themself:
“The e-commerce fair Circus has finally found a place in the heart of Europe – Berlin. Both an ideal platform for sales and inspiration.” Udo Harwardt, Key Account Manager, Shopware AG
“It is a good meeting point for retailers and merchants to find out about all the building blocks necessary for successful e-commerce and to network with the right partners. […] There are also many exhibitors and visitors from all over Europe who rarely appear at comparable events.” Roland Fesenmayr, CEO, OXID eSales AG

Our event reflects the essence of e-commerce, as it’s intercontinental like this field of work itself. Cooperation beyond borders is key to getting the whole picture of the business we work in.
“Always a pleasure to be attending the E-commerce Berlin Expo and connect with e-commerce professionals from all over the world!” –Manon van den Enden, Business Development Manager Europe – Retail Rocket
‘The E-Commerce Expo 2020 exudes international charm […] through the English welcome at the entrance, exhibitors and speakers from all over Europe and a wide-ranging audience.” Marie Nitschmann, PR team member, frische Frische
Cooperation beyond borders is key to getting the whole picture of the business we work in. We are proud to hear that people talk about our event even over 1600 km from Berlin! Here is the shortcut from Bulgarian National Television, where reportage about our expo was published: HERE

Do you seek methods to improve your performance constantly?
We hope that you do, as that’s what is essential for us. It’s an integral part of our event, which enables us to grow and make EBE better each year. If you care about your customers’ opinions and make changes to leverage your business, you’re in the right place.
“Started in April 2016, the E-commerce Berlin Expo has quickly developed into the meeting point of the who’s who in German online retail and the largest “pure-play” trade fair in the capital.” Katharina Fentem – Idealo
“The staff on site was very well prepared and helped with all questions as quickly as possible. Here we could note a significant improvement compared to previous years. The EBE is slowly growing up.” Enrico Schminke – Solution360
Do you like to meet new salespeople and create a valuable network?

Even if you’re not the most sociable person and on a daily basis you prefer to work alone in your quiet place, you can get out of your safe – space.
The aim of Ecom is to connect people from the industry and build a friendly atmosphere so that you can feel confident and free to talk with other salespeople. EBE is open to every nation. We want to get to know you and make you feel at home, no matter when you come from.
Generate leads, talk with your clients and create your own network during the E-commerce Berlin Expo, like the other exhibitors:
“In addition to numerous leads generated, we were also pleased to get to know some of our partners and current customers personally at the Expo. For example, the colleagues from Freshworks and employees from Echte took a look.” Victoria Guetter – AIRCALL
“Customers can not only get to know us but also get in direct contact with our partners.” – Henryk Lippert – Solutions360
‘The rush of dealers, developers, agencies and partners was impressive.” – Hagen Meishner, Partner Management Lead, Shopify

Do you like to be appreciated for the amazing work?
There’s nothing more uplifting than being honoured for outstanding results of your work. That is why during the EBE, we reward the best brands with the E-commerce Germany Awards.
Each year the official ceremony abounds with emotions and happiness. According to the winners’ testimonials, we can say that these prizes carry valuable meaning. T-systems’ reps believe that the E-commerce Germany Awards is important in the sales industry:
“The victory shows that as a digital service provider we have a unique selling point with our portfolio on the market.” Kathrin Friedrich, expert for customer experience, T-systems
The reward was also important for Jiří Přibyl, Sales Manager CEE at Exponea, who shared his excitement on LinkedIn:
“We were chosen as a TOP3 tech solution in the category ‘Best Customer Communications Tool’ at the E-commerce Berlin EXPO. This is quite huge for us because our main targets for this year re the US and German markets”
What’s your score?
What are the results? How compatible are you with EBE’s goals?
Let’s get the information together. If you:
- are thinking about innovations that are key to your actions.
- want to expand your sales strategy, gain new experience and get fresh insights from the big-players who shake-up the industry
- want to dive into the subjects, which are the answer to the challenges, which we face every day as the salespeople
- want your company to exploit new opportunities and flourish in the future
- seek international contacts and want to exchange experience with people from all over the world
- care about your customers’ opinions and make changes to leverage your business
- are keen on generating leads and creating your own network
- want to compete with other brands for awards honoured in the e-commerce industry…
…plus – you want to meet people, who have a decisive impact on the e-commerce industry such as MasterCard, Dubai Commerce City and:
If you answered at least at a few questions in a similar way and can relate to the summary above, you shouldn’t hesitate to come. Here you can book a stand, like some of our exhibitors already did.
You can find all the necessary information in the FAQ box but feel free to contact us! If you don’t plan to be exhibitor, but just want to become our guest, feel invited as well.
Oh, did we mention that admission is free of charge?
Not convinced yet?
Don’t give up on us if you didn’t get a 100% match. It might be a sign that you should come to find out if there’s something you’ve been missing – and simply weren’t aware of that!
These sales masters are looking forward to being a part of the E-commerce Berlin Expo and so could you:
„Excellent support from the organisers and the event always delivers high calibre leads. We’ll definitely exhibit again.” – Kristina Bellach, Marketing & Distribution Rieck
Hope to see you in Berlin!