
The Power of Print in E-commerce: Breaking Digital Barriers for 100% Delivery and 901% ROI

In a world dominated by digital marketing, where emails pile up in overflowing inboxes and online ads compete for attention, there’s a powerful alternative that promises remarkable results. Print mailing boasts an impressive 100% delivery rate, an 80% open rate, and a remarkable 5% conversion rate. Moreover, it delivers an astonishing 901% return on advertising spend and activates a thousand times more brain neurons than its digital counterparts. This article delves into the captivating realm of haptic experiences and explores why industry giants in the digital world are making a conscious break with media to embrace the tangible power of print.

While the digital era has redefined the way we connect and communicate, it has also spurred a surprising resurgence in an age-old, tangible medium: print mailing. In the midst of our screen-centric lives, where digital notifications constantly vie for our attention, the return of print in the form of direct mail and catalogs is nothing short of a revelation.

The revival of printed mailing materials is a testament to the enduring power of haptic experiences in the digital age. Just as e-commerce has discovered the profound impact of engaging our sense of touch, print mailing has evolved into a strategic powerhouse, offering a unique haptic encounter that captivates recipients in ways that digital channels often cannot.

Delve into the fascinating realm of haptic experiences, as discussed in the latest E-commerce Germany News Podcast episode with Alexander Schäfer from Paragon and our podcast host Efe von Thenen. Uncover the science behind haptic sensations, examine the real-world applications driving e-commerce success, and provide a comprehensive look at why print mailing is becoming an ROI game changer in the digital era.

Join us as we navigate the landscape where haptic meets print, and discover why, in this age of screens, paper is making an unexpected comeback. This revelation stems from a captivating podcast episode featuring insights from Alex at Paragon.

The episode is available on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Subscribe to never miss an episode!

Embracing Haptic Experiences in the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where screens dominate our lives, there’s a remarkable shift happening. E-commerce, one of the most tech-savvy industries, is turning to the power of haptic experiences – the art of engaging not just our sight but also our sense of touch.

Why Haptic Experiences Matter

Haptic experiences involve physical interactions with products, and they’re making a significant impact on e-commerce. When customers can touch and feel a product, it creates a deeper connection and enhances the overall shopping experience. Imagine browsing a clothing store online, and when you click on a dress, you can also feel its texture virtually. It’s like having the store right in your hands.

Studies show that haptic experiences can stimulate our brains in ways that purely visual experiences can’t. When we touch something, it activates more than a thousand times more neurons in our brain than just looking at it. This sensory engagement can lead to better decision-making, increased trust in the brand, and ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Real-World Applications

E-commerce brands are leveraging haptic experiences by incorporating elements like 360-degree product views, virtual try-ons, and even haptic feedback devices. Customers can feel the texture of a fabric or the weight of a product before making a purchase. This not only boosts sales but also reduces return rates as customers have a better understanding of what they’re buying.

Print Mailing Advantage: The ROI Game Changer

In an era dominated by digital marketing, one traditional method is quietly making a comeback and leaving e-commerce experts astonished: print mailing.

The Unexpected conversion rate

While digital marketing has its merits, print mailing is proving to be a powerful player. Recent studies, like the CMC study from Berlin, reveal an average conversion rate of a whopping 5.4% with print mail. But that’s just the beginning.

A 901% ROI?

Yes, you read that correctly. According to the podcast, investing just one euro in direct mail can yield a jaw-dropping return on advertising spend of 901%. That’s a figure that should grab any e-commerce professional’s attention.

The Impact on Customer Behavior

If a customer who’s previously only shopped online receives a printed mail, they’re likely to increase their order value by approximately 10 times. This demonstrates the significant influence that print can have on customer behavior.

Bridging the Gap

Print isn’t replacing digital but rather bridging the gap between online and offline communication. In a world filled with digital noise, a well-crafted print piece stands out and can guide customers to your digital platforms effectively.

Is Print Sustainable in a Digital World?

One of the key questions surrounding print in the digital era is its sustainability. With growing environmental concerns, many may wonder if print is a responsible choice.

Contrary to common belief, print can be sustainable. According to data shared in the podcast, the carbon footprint of printed mail, including production and transport, is around 60 grams. In contrast, an email generates only about 10-11 grams of carbon emissions.

While emails seem eco-friendly, the data centers and storage systems behind them consume vast amounts of energy, resulting in high emissions. Print, on the other hand, uses paper, a renewable resource, and can even offset its carbon footprint through sustainability measures.

Paragon’s Insights: Navigating the Print and Digital Landscape

In our exploration of the revival of print in the e-commerce realm, it’s essential to consider the insights and experiences shared by Paragon, a leading player in the industry. Paragon’s input sheds light on how print and digital can coexist harmoniously to optimize e-commerce strategies.

A Fusion of Print and Digital

Paragon emphasizes the synergy between print and digital marketing. Rather than viewing them as competing forces, they advocate for a fusion of these channels. According to their data, integrated campaigns that combine print and digital elements tend to outperform single-channel efforts.

Personalization is Key

One of the crucial takeaways from Paragon’s research is the effectiveness of personalized print materials. In an era when consumers are bombarded with generic digital ads, receiving a tailored, printed message can make a brand stand out. Paragon’s data indicates that personalized print materials often result in higher engagement rates and conversion numbers.

The Role of Data Analytics

Paragon highlights the significance of data analytics in optimizing print and digital campaigns. They recommend leveraging customer data to target print materials effectively. This data-driven approach ensures that the right message reaches the right audience, increasing the chances of a meaningful response.

The Multisensory Experience

Building upon the concept of haptic experiences, Paragon suggests that e-commerce businesses explore multisensory marketing. This involves engaging multiple senses, including touch, smell, and sight. For example, incorporating scented elements into print materials can create a memorable and immersive experience for customers.

The Future of Print in E-commerce

As we conclude this exploration of print’s resurgence in the digital era, it’s evident that the future is promising for this age-old medium. The insights shared by Paragon and the data presented in the podcast paint a picture of print and digital working together synergistically to create compelling e-commerce experiences.

The Hybrid Approach

The future of e-commerce marketing may well be a hybrid approach, where print and digital complement each other seamlessly. Brands that embrace this synergy and invest in innovative print solutions are likely to gain a competitive edge.

Sustainable Innovations

The sustainability of print in e-commerce is an evolving narrative. Brands that prioritize eco-friendly printing practices will not only reduce their carbon footprint but also resonate with environmentally conscious consumers.

Continual Adaptation

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, adaptation is key. Print strategies will need to evolve alongside digital trends to remain relevant and effective.

In conclusion, as we move deeper into the digital age, print’s revival in e-commerce is a testament to its enduring value. By embracing haptic experiences, harnessing the power of personalization, and adopting sustainable practices, e-commerce brands can ensure that print continues to play a vital role in their marketing strategies. To explore these insights further, we invite you to listen to the full podcast episode featuring Alexander Schäfer.