Reports Trends

Key Takeaways from the HDE Online Monitor Report 2024 [Handelsverband Deutschland]

Top 10 local listing sites in Germany

Is online shopping losing its spark? 

The 2024 HDE Online-Monitor report suggests otherwise, revealing some surprising trends. 

While overall growth in online sales is modest, specific categories like personal care and FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) are booming. 

As consumer preferences shift, retailers must adapt to these changes in order to remain competitive. This report explores these changes in depth. It’s a fascinating look at the world of e-commerce – and what it means for the future of shopping.

1. Modest Growth in Online Retail

Has online retail reached the end of its explosive growth phase? According to the HDE Online-Monitor 2024 report, online retail in Germany experienced an increase of €0.8 billion in 2023, totaling €85.4 billion in sales. The growth seen this year is quite modest compared with previous years, especially during the pandemic. There is evidence to suggest that the online retail market is entering a stabilizing phase. 

Retailers should take note of this shift towards a more stable growth pattern. Strategies must be adjusted accordingly, focusing less on aggressive expansion and more on optimizing current operations and retaining customers. 

A few strategies could be used to appeal to eco-conscious consumers, including improving the online shopping experience, personalizing marketing efforts, and integrating sustainable practices. Taking these steps could help maintain steady growth in a market that may no longer be able to support the rapid expansion rates of recent years.

2. Sector-Specific Trends

Some sectors thrive while others falter. HDE’s Online-Monitor 2024 report illustrates a striking divergence between sectors in the retail industry. 


The home improvement sector, including gardening and DIY, has seen declines in sales. 

Personal care, health, and nutrition sectors, on the other hand, weathered economic headwinds and reported notable sales growth. In light of ongoing global health concerns, such variance may reflect a shift in consumer priorities. 

Not all sectors fared equally in 2023: categories enhancing home aesthetics like home furnishings and gardening saw a decline in sales by approximately 3%, and consumer electronics dipped by 2.5%. 

Among the sectors that experienced the most growth, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) surged by 8.7%. Retailers can tap into consumer demand by offering health and wellness products.

3. Impact of Economic Conditions

Consumer behavior is changing because of inflation. Economic pressures from rising prices are profoundly reshaping how consumers approach spending. The report notes a trend towards reduced purchasing as shoppers become more budget-conscious. 

The trend towards sustainable and secondhand products, which are often more affordable and offer more value than mere cost savings, is evident as well. Taking advantage of this opportunity will allow retailers to expand their sustainable offerings as well as promote the longevity and cost-effectiveness of secondhand markets. Business can maintain relevance and competitiveness in a tightened economy by aligning marketing strategies with consumer preferences.

4. Digital and Physical Retail Dynamics

Consider the chess game between digital and physical retail spaces! Traditional retailers have managed to hold their ground effectively, maintaining their market share despite the growing prevalence of online shopping. 

However, purely online retailers and marketplaces are not just participating; they are altering the rules of the game. The report highlights that Amazon’s marketplace, in particular, has grown disproportionately, now capturing 54% of the online retail market. 

Digital and physical retail are in constant tension within contemporary retail strategies. For retailers to cater to a broader consumer base and respond flexibly to market changes, hybrid models must be considered.

5. International Online Shopping

Could concerns over international online shopping reshape local markets? Increasing skepticism among German consumers about purchasing from foreign online stores, particularly those based in non-European and Asian regions, is evident. 


The doubts mainly revolve around extended delivery times, doubts about product authenticity, and complicated return policies. Such issues are making shoppers more hesitant to engage with these markets. As a result, there could be a significant shift towards local purchasing, influencing global e-commerce dynamics. 

Retailers need to address these consumer concerns directly by improving transparency about product sourcing, enhancing customer service, and streamlining logistics to maintain competitiveness in the global market.

6. Consumer Electronics and Fashion

Consumer electronics and fashion continue to lead online sales volumes but are experiencing shifts in their market shares. Notably, consumer electronics has seen a reduction in its share of total online sales, indicating a possible saturation or shifting consumer interests towards other categories. 

In contrast, the fashion sector maintains a robust presence online, although it remains susceptible to rapid shifts in consumer tastes. Simultaneously, the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector is capturing a larger market share, signaling a change in spending priorities towards more immediate and essential products. Retailers should adapt by closely monitoring trend shifts and adjusting their inventory and marketing strategies accordingly.

7. Sustainability and Consumer Choices

Imagine a world where every purchase decision supports a sustainable future. Consumers are increasingly moving towards sustainable products, showing a marked preference for items that offer refill and reuse options. 

The popularity of secondhand products, especially in fashion and books, is rising as shoppers become more conscious of their environmental impact. Sustainability plays an increasingly important role in consumer purchasing decisions due to this shift in consumer behavior. Retailers can capitalize on this trend by expanding their offerings in eco-friendly products and services, ensuring that sustainability becomes a core aspect of their business model. 

There is a marked increase in consumer participation in sustainable practices, with notable growth in the purchase of sustainable products and the use of refill options. Specifically, the report notes that the percentage of consumers buying sustainable products has risen significantly, aligning with a broader consumer shift towards environmentally responsible purchasing decisions. 

As consumer values change, retailers may be able to tap into this growing market segment to enhance brand loyalty and market share.

Promoting these choices through targeted marketing campaigns can also help attract a growing segment of environmentally aware consumers.

8. Modest Growth with Sectoral Variances

Online retail in 2023 saw a modest growth of 1.0%. This represents a significant 44.3% growth over the levels seen in 2019, pre-COVID-19. The data reveal that while general retail growth was 2.9%, it slightly dampened the proportion of sales made online, decreasing from 13.4% in 2022 to 13.2% in 2023. This subtle shift highlights the ongoing adjustments in the market post-pandemic and the evolving consumer behavior affecting online retail dynamics.

9. Secondhand and Refurbished Markets

As sustainability becomes a mainstream concern among consumers, the secondhand market is not just surviving; it’s thriving. 


Similarly, the market for refurbished electronics is expanding as more consumers recognize the value and environmental benefits of these products. Platforms dedicated to secondhand goods are witnessing a surge in traffic and sales, proving that sustainability and business success can go hand in hand. 

Retailers should consider partnerships with platforms specializing in secondhand and refurbished goods to capitalize on this growing consumer interest.

10. Impact of COVID-19

The aftermath of COVID-19 resembles less of an ending and more of a transformation. The pandemic dramatically altered the landscape of consumer behavior and online shopping habits. 

Online shopping has not only spread across various demographics but has become a preferred method of purchase, setting new norms in consumer expectations and shopping frequencies. As different sectors navigate their way towards demand normalization, the ongoing shifts offer a canvas for innovation and adaptation. 

Businesses should continuously adapt their online strategies to meet the evolved consumer preferences and enhance their digital presence.

11. Emergence of New Online Platforms

Who would have thought a newcomer could rank as the third most-visited online shopping site within a year? 

Temu’s rapid ascent in the German market exemplifies the dynamic nature of the online retail sector and highlights the substantial rewards for innovation. The presence of new platforms like Temu is reshaping the competitive dynamics of the market, prompting a rethink of traditional business strategies. 

The entry of these new players serves as a pivotal reminder of the market’s demand for innovation and customer-focused offerings.

Established retailers must explore fresh, innovative approaches to retain their market share and engage with a more digitally savvy consumer base.

12. Mobile Shopping

The smartphone has become the premier shopping tool for many. With the majority of online transactions now occurring on mobile devices, the importance of a streamlined mobile shopping experience cannot be overstated. 


Retailers are actively enhancing their mobile interfaces to ensure that they are easy to navigate, fast, and secure. The push towards mobile optimization is critical as it caters to the growing consumer demand for convenience and speed in transactions. 

If your business hasn’t optimized for mobile yet, now is the time to prioritize this, ensuring your mobile platform is user-friendly and efficient.

13. Shifts in Online Retail Share Across Sectors

Fashion and Accessories, along with Consumer Electronics (CE/Electro), continue to represent the largest segments of online retail, yet their combined share has slightly decreased from 45.0% in 2022 to 44.9% in 2023. This marginal change reflects a shift in consumer spending towards Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), which increased their share from 12.1% to 13.3% in the same period. 

These statistics highlight evolving consumer preferences and the dynamic nature of the online retail landscape.


So, is the online shopping craze dying down? Not quite. 

E-commerce has a dynamic nature, as shown by the HDE Online-Monitor 2024. While some sectors are facing challenges, others are thriving. 

As consumers favor personal care items and everyday essentials, retailers must remain agile and informed. If you’re interested in online retail trends, this report is a must-read. 

Be a part of the digital market revolution by embracing these insights!