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The State of Retail E-Commerce in Germany

Insights into the State of E-Commerce in 2024 [Store Leads]

Germany’s retail e-commerce sector is experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing online shopping trends and evolving consumer preferences. According to bevh, in 2023, Germany recorded 79.7 billion euros worth of gross revenue from e-commerce goods. And further market studies confirm the sector is expected to continue expanding. 

Today, we will examine the retail e-commerce market in Germany and provide you with stats, insights, and accurate information so you won’t miss anything important.

2023 Changes in Retail E-Commerce

In 2023, Germany’s retail e-commerce sector has shown notable resilience and growth, bouncing back from the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite facing economic challenges such as high inflation rate and supply chain challenges, the sector is still robust and integral to the retail market.


The German B2C e-commerce market generated approximately €85.4 billion in revenue in 2023, which showcased a strong recovery and adaptation to new consumer behaviors. This figure is expected to increase to €88.3 billion in 2024, driven by increasing consumer comfort with online shopping, technological advancements, and enhanced logistics and delivery services​. 

Technological innovations have played a crucial role here. AI, AR, and personalized recommendation algorithms have made online shopping more interactive and user-friendly. 

When it comes to consumer behavior, their confidence is up, as well as retail sales since October 2022. Despite a few dips, the Consumer Confidence Index remains stable. This bodes well and tells you that people are still willing to spend if the conditions are right.


Moreover, according to Euromonitor, Germany’s retail e-commerce sector is poised for steady development post-2024, driven by a sustained shift towards online shopping that was cemented during the pandemic​.

If you want to capitalize on this and gain a tactical advantage, take a look at the prospects, opportunities, and future consumer trends below.

Prospects and Opportunities for Retail E-commerce in 2024

As we are into 2024, we see many interesting prospects that present significant opportunities for businesses in German retail e-commerce. Below are some examples.

AI Integration

Artificial intelligence continues to be a game-changer in the e-commerce sector. In 2024, AI is expected to grow and drive efficiency improvements across various facets of online retail. AI-powered personalized product recommendations can increase conversion rates by even 26%. Additionally, AI-driven solutions can reduce client acquisition costs by up to 50%​​.


Online Assistants

The integration of AI chatbots and virtual shopping assistants is also on the rise. These tools provide 24/7 customer support, handle a large number of queries simultaneously, and ensure a seamless shopping experience. Approximately 80% of e-commerce businesses have adopted or plan to incorporate AI chatbots.  So if you had any doubts about whether the combination of AI and chatbots was worth betting on, you should no longer have them.

Omnichannel Strategies

Omnichannel retailing not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives higher sales by offering a cohesive shopping journey. In Germany, retailers like Zalando and Amazon have successfully implemented omnichannel strategies, which improved customer engagement and loyalty​.

Statistics show that businesses employing omnichannel strategies retain 89% of their customers, as opposed to 33% for businesses with weak omnichannel strategies. This emphasizes the need for a unified shopping experience across various platforms and touchpoints​.

Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce, or m-commerce, is another significant opportunity for businesses in Germany. Mobile commerce accounted for 41% of total retail e-commerce sales in 2022​. This growth is fueled by the increasing penetration of smartphones and the development of user-friendly mobile shopping apps​​.

Personalized Marketing

Personalized marketing remains a powerful tool for enhancing customer engagement and driving sales in Germany. Personalization lets retailers deliver tailored product recommendations, targeted promotions, and individualized shopping experiences. For example, personalized product recommendations generated 35% of revenue and demonstrated the significant impact of customization on consumer behavior​​.



Challenges and Regulations in Germany

The above opportunities are great, but before diving into the market, let’s not forget about various regulations. First, you need to comply with a myriad of rules and overcome several challenges, particularly concerning supply chain management, environmental sustainability, and consumer protection.

  1. Supply chain: E-commerce businesses must adhere to the Distance Selling Regulations, which mandate providing clear information about products, prices, and delivery terms. There is also Germany’s new Supply Chain Act, z którą musisz się zaznajomić. Additionally, the Product Safety Regulations require rigorous product testing and clear labeling to ensure consumer safety.
  2. Environment and sustainability: The Packaging Act (VerpackV) mandates businesses to manage the lifecycle of packaging materials responsibly. Moreover, businesses must align with the European Green Deal, which aims to make the EU’s economy sustainable.
  3. Data privacy and security: Data privacy is a critical concern, governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Furthermore, businesses must have a comprehensive privacy policy that clearly outlines data collection and usage practices. Compliance with cross-border data transfer regulations is also necessary as it determines that data transferred outside the EU is protected adequately.
  4. Consumer protection: The Consumer Contracts Regulations require businesses to provide transparent information about contract terms, including fees, charges, and cancellation policies. Businesses must also offer consumers a statutory right of withdrawal, so they can cancel contracts within a specified period without penalty.
  5. Other: The Act Against Unfair Competition (UWG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG) are other critical regulations. These laws ensure that commercial communications are clear and identifiable as such, and that terms and conditions are easily accessible and understandable to consumers​​.

If you familiarise yourself with all these acts and keep up to date with laws, you will ensure a safe start in the market. And this is definitely important and worthwhile, looking at how attractive retail e-commerce it is and how its future is being created.

Future Consumer Trends from Euromonitor

E-commerce is expected to account for almost half of retail sales growth by 2027. Thus, recognizing and adapting to new consumer trends can give businesses a tactical advantage in the future. 

Here, we explore the top three consumer trends shaping the German market:

Trend 1: The Influence of Social Media and Influencers

Influencers, from social media stars to popular musicians, are increasingly backing or creating their own brands. This trend is driven by younger, tech-savvy consumers who seek to identify with brands in new and dynamic ways. The success of influencer-led brands is powered by the extensive engagement of social media platforms, which make these endorsements nearly instantaneous hits among German consumers.

According to Euromonitor’s Voice of the Consumer: Lifestyles Survey, conducted from January to February 2024, 37% of Gen Z and 48% of millennials in Germany express a desire to engage with brands and influence product innovation. So, brands that can effectively leverage influencer partnerships and social media engagement are likely to see increased customer loyalty and market success.


Trend 2: Wellness Pragmatism in Beauty and Personal Care

The beauty and personal care sector in Germany is experiencing a shift towards simplicity and efficacy. Younger consumers, empowered by their digital savviness and the availability of diverse digital brands, seek beauty products that offer quick, effective, and tangible results. This trend reflects a broader consumer interest in improving both physical and mental well-being through streamlined and practical solutions.

A Euromonitor Voice of the Consumer: Beauty Survey revealed that 73% of German consumers can pay a premium for beauty products that have proven efficacy or benefits. This demonstrates a demand for transparency and scientific backing in product claims. Brands that can simplify their messaging and clearly communicate the effectiveness of their products are more likely to capture the attention of this discerning audience.

Trend 3: E-commerce Sustainability

E-commerce in Germany is approaching a sustainability tipping point, particularly in the fashion industry. The fast fashion boom, while highly successful, has raised significant environmental concerns. As consumer awareness about sustainability intensifies, there is increasing pressure on fashion brands to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their environmental footprint.

Euromonitor’s Voice of the Consumer: Sustainability Survey found that 54% of German consumers purchase second-hand products online. With no doubt, there is a strong preference for sustainable consumption patterns, including repair and reuse, second-hand marketplaces, and a general “less is more” approach. 

And brands that can innovate around these preferences and align with regulatory frameworks such as the European Green Deal will be better positioned for long-term success.


Retail e-commerce in Germany is in really good shape, with various economic, technological, and consumer behavior trends. These trends highlight the importance of social media influence, the demand for effective and straightforward wellness solutions, and a strong shift toward sustainability in e-commerce. 

Businesses that comply with the law, adapt to trends, and engage with consumers in meaningful ways, will find significant opportunities for success in the German retail e-commerce market. 
