Industry catalogues

Industry catalogues
Top Furniture retailers in Germany’s online market
Nowadays, consumers are replacing their furniture more frequently than in the past, mainly due to increasing living standards and a steady income increase across the board. These are only some of the factors driving the Furniture market’s continued growth worldwide, but were you interested in what the Furniture market in Germany is like? For example, have online sales increased in this sector? Or maybe customers are still more focused on…
Industry catalogues News
Top 100 online shops by turnover in Germany
Due to the rapid growth of the e-commerce market in Germany, rankings are changing fast as well. This time, we will provide you with Statista’s report of the top-selling B2C online shops and hybrid marketplaces for physical goods. Additionally, we will show you selected marketplaces according to Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) in Germany’s sales generated in 2020. Are you ready? The top 100 online shops and hybrid marketplaces are based…
Industry catalogues News
Top 30 ecommerce agencies in Germany
The German economy is one of the most robust and most stable economies in the European Union. It is a massive part of the market. Dozens of companies are ready to provide their services day and night in such a way as to gain more and more customers. Choosing the best supplier is quite tricky as customer preferences change very quickly. Nevertheless, we have pioneers in the e-commerce market in…
Countries Overview Industry catalogues Trends
European ecommerce overview: guide through ecommerce in Europe
Europe and its countries play an essential role in the global economy. Every country has its own consumers, its own sales dynamics, is governed by its own laws, or is influenced by other factors. The same is true of Europe and its countries. In this article, we have classified European countries into five groups, including Scandinavia, DACH, CEE, Balcans, and West Europe. Find out what their e-commerce secrets are with…
Industry catalogues Trends
Top 10 online supermarkets worldwide
There is a report provided by ecommerceDB which points to the top 10 online supermarkets around the globe. Most people consider supermarkets as places where they physically go, push the trolley, and put things in, rather than online shopping and having them delivered, so this comparison is quite unique. Nevertheless, online shopping for food and beverages is getting popular, especially since the pandemic forced us to turn on the online…
Industry catalogues News
The State of Email Deliverability in Ecommerce 2021
Creating an ideal email message is one challenge, but ensuring it gets delivered is another story. That’s what email deliverability is about – it shows you how many of your emails successfully arrive to your customers without being missed or stopped by anti-spam filters.  A ReturnPath report from 2017 estimated the average email deliverability at about 80%. This means of every 100 messages you send, around 20 don’t make it…
Industry catalogues News
Top 29 German SaaS Companies in 2021
Germany is one of Europe’s leading SaaS powerhouses, enticing a handsome capital and a promising market to see growth. Home to various fostering innovations and a multitude of global success stories over the last couple of years, Germany has shown some significant scope for the SaaS niche. On that note, here are 29 such exemplary SaaS companies from different domains that are a must to see and use. Let us…
Industry catalogues Reports Trends
RetailX 2020 Report E-commerce Marketplaces: Germany overview
Marketplaces are a convenient way to shop – in one place, you can compare prices, products from different manufacturers, or sellers and buy several items from different areas. Europeans are becoming more and more convinced of such solutions. What is the situation in Germany? After all, it sounds like a perfect solution for every German – the ability to compare prices in one place, do thorough research, and finally ability…