
News Trends
6 Best Web Design Tips to Improve the UX of Your E-commerce Website
Setting up an e-commerce website is not like building one for personal use. With the latter, you have leeway to do what you wish. You can be as creative as you want, because you may not necessarily be pushing products. It could be a place for you to share your blog articles or DIY tips.   An e-commerce platform is different because you are using it to sell. You want people…
Events Trends
All you need to know about E-commerce Germany Awards 2021
Over 330 companies took part in the E-commerce Germany Awards 2021, battling for a prestigious title in ten categories. Now it’s time to cast your vote for the most innovative brand, and help that company take another step forward to the big win. Station Berlin will host the E-commerce Berlin Expo on the 27th of May 2021. Over 7000 visitors, 170 exhibiting companies, and 50 experts will gather in Berlin…
Reports Trends
2020 E-Commerce Logistics Review of Europe
In 2020, we observed the effect of the e-commerce boom on the logistics and supply chain industry. As the pandemic drove consumers online, retailers and logistics carriers alike were ‘forced’ to adapt and innovate to meet delivery expectations.  With that in mind, how do you think Europe’s logistics performed in 2020? In our first study in 2021, our team delved into the e-commerce logistics performance of Europe in 2020. We…
Reports Trends
World e-commerce statistics from the GLOBAL 2020 Ecommerce Report by RetailX
RetailX has prepared a report about eCommerce in 2020 – and we wouldn’t be ourselves if we didn’t dive deep into it!  In this article, you will find six parts, discussing each continent’s issues. If you are interested in reading the full report, you can download it here. eCommerce in Africa The report covers as many as eight African countries – Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Tanzania.…
Reports Trends
The Shopify Plus’ Report: Tips and trends for ecommerce in 2021
2020 was a year of changes. Besides the fact that 2021 is a big unknown, we can certainly say that the era of ecommerce has just begun. Because of the pandemic, ecommerce has accelerated, and just in weeks reached a decade of growth. For this reason, entirely new challenges and trends await us. Shopify Plus put all of them together and made the report which will help you to understand…
Reports Trends
Key takeaways from GLOBAL 2020 Ecommerce Report by RetailX
RetailX has prepared a report about this peculiar year. Definitely, it was a big year for eCommerce. In this report, you can find many useful analyses and numbers regarding the eCommerce market and its situation during the pandemic.  Borders or no Borders? In theory, the global reach of the Internet was meant to facilitate trade and make no borders. In fact, borders are very clearly visible, not only physical but…
Interviews News Trends
Industry Specialists’ Insights on e-commerce in 2021
The transition from offline to online shopping in 2020 will undoubtedly remain the primary ecommerce trend of the current year. More and more companies are opening and investing in online shops. In which direction is ecommerce developing, and what should we pay attention to in 2021? We present 25+ tips from industry experts! The best way to leverage social media for your e-commerce in 2021 is to leverage both influencer…
Reports Trends
Impact of COVID on Europe’s Logistics
After the UK, Germany, and France respectively announced national lockdowns earlier this year, like the rest of the world, consumers began shifting towards online shopping. This was further boosted by the closure of physical retail stores which encouraged some consumers to start shopping online.  The pandemic has created a boom in the UK’s e-commerce market, which is expected to generate sales totaling $105 billion this year. E-commerce in Germany and France is also expected to reach $92.33…
News Reports Trends
Xing: the nuts and bolts
Probably, you have heard about this platform a few times, especially if you operate in the German market. What is the drill about it? How does it work and why should you know Xing? Keep reading.  In this text, you will find the most important information, statistics, and facts about Xing. Grab a pen and make some notes. But a little warning, after reading this you may probably want to…
News Trends
5 Top eCommerce Growth Strategies for 2021
2020 was an exciting year for eCommerce. In the past 3-6 months, we have seen growth that normally would have taken a decade to achieve. Since the world is on lockdown and people are scared to leave their homes, shopping online has become the new normal.  Nearly 150 million people started to shop online during this pandemic. What ecommerce growth strategies can brands employ in 2021 and beyond to make…
News Reports Trends
Black Friday 2020 Statistics from the Semrush report
Since Black Friday is behind us, it is high time to analyze what has happened in the ecommerce industry this year. While 2020 is a big surprise for all of us, there was no surprise to the Black Friday’s fewer. A week (or in some cases even earlier) before November 27, the Internet was flooded by Black Week deals. What were the purchasing trends this year? Did they differ from…
News Trends
5 Strategies for German Shops to Increase Online Store Retention
You’re familiar with the relationship between good health and regular exercise. We all know that exercising regularly is great for the body and mind. And yet, we do not give it the time, effort, and importance that it deserves. Customer retention is like exercise. It’s good for you. It’s like a superfood for your business. But you probably don’t pay it the right amount of attention. Let’s change that, shall…