
The Rise of Modern-Day Payments: How Our Spending Habits Evolved

There was a time when people used to say that cash is the king, meaning that if you talk about wealth it’s better to have cash rather than storing the money in a bank account. However, those virtual digits proved to be a better solution for many consumers and eventually, the role of cash dropped. We have analyzed some data, and the results are quite interesting. So, according to the Pew Research Center, there is a significant decrease in making payments with cash. The research compares data from 2015, 2018, and 2022, to determine which part of their purchases people make contactless.

In 2015, 24% of American adults said they were using cash for payments, whereas 3 years later the number was 18%, and in 2022, this percentage dropped by 4 more points becoming 14%. Does this mean that card payments have been established as a dominant method – yes, but this also doesn’t mean they have secured this position. 

Over the past few years, we have seen a rising demand for cryptocurrencies that are being widely adopted by many digital platforms as a secure payment option. And this is not all. So, let’s get into the topic to examine the rise of current payment habits and how our preferences have changed.

The contribution of online platforms

Since we already mentioned cryptocurrencies, it’s better to start from there because digital currencies in general are in demand thanks to the many advantages technology provides. Several crypto titles are very famous among customers, especially digital consumers, one of which is Bitcoin. There are so many stories, newscasts, and opinions about it, but one of the main reasons why crypto challenged traditional payment options was the abundance of online gaming platforms.

One good example is the popularity of online casino websites that along with many innovations introduced Bitcoin gambling as an improved way of entertaining casino fans. The word improved may need some explanation here because people always say that online casinos are almost the same as traditional ones, the games are the same, and so on. 

Crypto payments have been adopted by online casinos as a pretty secure alternative in a digital world where internet users need more privacy and bad actors try to find many ways of manipulation to collect financial and personal data. Of course, to use Bitcoin and other sorts of crypto for online gaming or purchases people are required to obtain that money first and store it in their digital wallets. This comes with some necessary preparation since crypto can be enough, but it’s also important how you store them and what kind of measures you take to keep the safety on your end.

Contactless is preferred

Remember going through your wallet for the right card, or digging for exact change? Those days seem almost gone now! The widespread adoption of contactless payments has changed the way we pay for purchases in physical stores and online. This simple payment method isn’t just about speed, it also gives a sense of ease that meets our daily spending habits, and why not our desire to become more digitized? 

Let’s elaborate more on the reasons why contactless payments are on the rise. The primary trigger was the COVID-19 pandemic, when hygiene became a priority for many as a sensitive topic, hence contactless and digital payments became a synonym of safe interactions while purchasing an item. Secondly, most smartphones offer mobile payment options linked to bank cards, elevating the level of convenience and simplicity. And let’s be honest, contactless payments have made our daily transactions even smoother, encouraging us to spend without the inconvenience of keeping cash or swiping a card.

The Buy Now, Pay Later Phenomenon

What was the traditional layaway plan? You want to purchase something but do not have enough money, so using relevant platforms would help you to pay in installments. This option found its place in a high-tech world becoming a great offer by financial and tech companies, including Apple. These platforms have exploded in popularity, especially among younger consumers who are attracted to the convenience and ease of use. 

Buy now, pay later services are the exact answer to the desire of many consumers who appreciate simplicity, especially now when the older generation has some difficulties keeping up with innovations. With this being said, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential setbacks of this type of service because while often advertised as “interest-free,” some additional charges can add up quickly if you’re not attentive and postpone the payments. It’s important to maintain responsible budgeting habits and avoid using buy now and pay later if you are not sure that you keep the limits and that your salary will be enough to pay the debt at the end of the month.