
Four steps to building a recession-proof supply chain
According to the Bloomberg monthly survey of economists in July 2022, the probability of a recession stands now at 70 %, compared to only 20% in March. According to the quarterly numbers by bevh, the German federal association for e-commerce, with a minus of 10,8 %, e-commerce revenues dropped to 19,8 billion € in the third quarter of 2022. Whether it’s a black swan event, labor shortages, an energy crisis, or…
How online retailers reduce emissions
Online retailers can act sustainably – even though they are boosting their business with direct mail, for example. Learn more about the role of address services, postage management and good shipping concepts and how you can reduce emissions in your customer approach. Avoiding and reducing emissions where possible – that is easier said than done, is it not? One good approach that many companies are already taking – partly due…
E-commerce Platforms and Apps: Preferences and Usage among German Students
E-commerce platforms and apps offer an excellent shopping experience. They bring both sellers and buyers into one place. They offer convenience and speed to users whether on mobile or computer. The platforms and apps sell internationally but also offer a local shopping experience. Students in Germany use e-commerce platforms to maximize savings. They also use them to make a sale and earn an income. They seek offers, discounts, and promotions…
The Importance of Cross-selling
What is Cross-Selling? Every seller’s goal is to remain relevant to existing and new customers. Cross-selling is an approach where sellers offer customers a variety of products. Therefore, cross-selling is selling different products and services to existing customers. The marketplace is awash with competition, and cross-selling ensures loyalty from existing customers. However, product vendors must ensure quality, reliability, and integrity while cross-selling, else they lose their existing customers. Below are…
All about the connection: why localizing your online store pays off, again and again
E-commerce is just like any shopping experience. If the customer can’t connect with it, even the best product in the world won’t sell. User experience is decisive – and a localized one is sure to bring customers back again and again. Let’s take a look at why it pays to localize your online store. If it wasn’t clear before, the Covid-19 pandemic did the trick: e-commerce reigns supreme in retail.…
Shipping on Online Marketplaces – what can make THE Difference for your Customer
Shipping on Online Marketplaces – what can make THE Difference for your Customer Online Marketplaces are a driving force in e-commerce and crucial to retailers’ success. Hardly any online retailer can get past them in the long term. One major challenge in Online Marketplaces is shipping. How exactly should merchants master this?  The competitive pressure in e-commerce is enormous – especially for smaller and medium-sized retailers. Compared to established companies…
Top Logistics & Supply Chain Challenges of 2022
The year 2022 witnessed a steady increase in international supply chain activity as countries around the world reopened their economies following the COVID lockdown era. As a result of the pandemic, global supply chains faced significant repercussions, some of which persist to this day. Several companies were unable to access the materials they needed for production due to travel and cargo movement restrictions in many countries around the world.  To…
Biggest Market in DACH: German E-Commerce revenues shrink for the first time ever
The numbers are in: German online retails have been hit by inflation in 2022. However, the long-term growth story still seem intact as consumer data by bevh suggests. The German e-commerce sector was unable to continue the high sales figures of the previous year in 2022, data from the Association for ecommerce an distance selling (bevh) suggests. Gross sales of goods in e-commerce, not adjusted for inflation, fell by 8.8%…
Outsmart your competition on marketplaces
You don’t need to be Einstein to use advanced logic Have you ever had the feeling you’re constantly chasing your own tail on marketplaces? Continuously adjusting your listings to make sure your changing costs (for shipping for example) are reflected in your products’ pricing? Monitoring your competition every hour and changing your offer to win the buy-box? There’s a smarter way to do this. Setup advanced logic for your marketplace…
The payment trends every merchant needs to watch in 2023
It’s estimated that the global ecommerce market will tip out at $5.7 trillion by the end 2022 and in 2023 it’s set to grow to $6.51 trillion. (shopify) There are many factors that come into success for online retailers and a key consideration should be how easy you as a merchant make it for your customers to pay and checkout from your store. Consumers are looking for flexibility and convenience…
How B2B webshops in DACH region can increase their conversion rate
The importance of B2B e-commerce is growing continuously and there is no end in sight. According to a publication by IFH Cologne, around 1.3 trillion euros were turned over in B2B online commerce in Germany alone. The trend towards e-commerce will continue to increase in the future, which is why more and more B2B companies are jumping on the e-commerce bandwagon in the DACH region as well. However, the conversion…
Resilience through recession
The last two years have been a series of highs and lows, leaving businesses trying to forecast for the future as best they can. Meanwhile, risk of recession is rising globally as the cost-of-living crisis intensifies. Merchants are facing softer demand, rising input costs, labour shortages and ongoing supply chain disruption.  We’d be silly if we said current economic challenges aren’t a cause for concern. However, there are many things…