
Interviews Trends
” KaDeWe – How to digitize a luxury department store in lightspeed” Interview with Philipp C. Engelmann General Manager Omnichannel Business THE KADEWE GROUP 
We’re more than happy to introduce some speakers of our upcoming E-commerce Berlin Expo 2022. Today, we decided to invite Philipp C. Engelmann General Manager Omnichannel Business THE KADEWE GROUP to talk about “KaDeWe – How to digitize a luxury department store in lightspeed” Enjoy! Register for free to see this talk live! KaDeWe is Berlin’s largest and most famous department store. Why did KaDeWe Group decide to digitize it? Since the carve out…
Reports Trends
All Shades Of Digital Commerce [Deloitte Digital]
If you thought you knew everything about digital commerce, well, you were wrong. But, whether you want to participate in digital business, you need to stay on top of changes in the digital world. Today, we want to provide you with a Deloitte Digital report about the Digital Commerce Global Summit. Let’s start! Retailers breaking up with third-party retailers Some companies decided to leave hypermarkets and stationary shops. For example,…
Events Trends
E-commerce Berlin Expo Announces All-Star Lineup: Learn from the Best in the Industry!
The E-commerce Berlin Expo is back, and this time it’s bigger and better than ever! This conference is the perfect opportunity to learn from some of the best minds in the e-commerce industry. The lineup of speakers includes entrepreneurs, CEOs, and marketing experts from some of the top companies in the DACH region. You’ll have a chance to learn about everything from building a successful eCommerce business to optimizing your…
Interviews Trends
“Zwei Jahre Pandemie in der Analyse: Welche Trends werden Marketing und Commerce nachhaltig verändern?” Interview with Corinna Hohenleitner Managing Director DACH @ Criteo Ulrich Kaleta e-Commerce Consultant und Interim Manager
Register for free to see this talk live! We’re more than happy to introduce some speakers of our upcoming E-commerce Berlin Expo 2022. Today, we decided to invite Ulrich Kaleta e-Commerce Consultant und Interim Manager and Corinna Hohenleitner Managing Director DACH @ Criteo “Zwei Jahre Pandemie in der Analyse: Welche Trends werden Marketing und Commerce nachhaltig verändern?” Enjoy! The year 2020 has revolutionized ecommerce, it goes without saying. According to…
3 Technologies to Optimize Your Online Customer Journey
Imagine your e-commerce site could provide your customers with an experience equal to that of having a personal sales clerk just like you would find in a brick-and-mortar store. Shoppers today are spoiled for choice. Even more so online where any product or service is at their fingertips – on their keyboard of course. Why then shouldn’t we guide our online customers to their desired products, like a shop assistant…
E-Commerce – Die Zukunft des Handels
Was versteht man unter eCommerce, und was bringt es Ihnen? Für viele ist der Begriff „eCommerce“ ein sehr kryptisches Wort. Immerhin wird er von Zeit zu Zeit immer öfter verwendet. Sowohl auf unterschiedlichen Plattformen, als auch in aller Munde ist er zu einer Allgemeinheit geworden. Da ist die Frage mehr als berechtigt, was eCommerce eigentlich ist? Wie ist es aufgebaut, und was ist der Sinn davon? Im Grunde genommen lassen…
Reports Trends
Parcel Monitor: E-Commerce Holiday Calendar 2022
In the world of retail and e-commerce, every day is a celebration.The days where businesses solely focused on upcoming big holidays are long gone. In this digital age, every event — even the most obscure ones — is a golden ticket for businesses to increase sales as long as they know how to capitalize on it. With so many events occurring each month, keeping up with all of them can…
How to determine the ideal buyer persona for your e-commerce store
As a company, you most likely want to target as many people as possible. However, gone are the days of posting a billboard on BAB 7 and hoping you are reaching the right people. Spray marketing tactics no longer work. Instead, robust targeting where you narrow down who you’re speaking to by gender, location, age and interests is the key to any company’s growth and success.  But how do you…
Reports Trends
The German Supply Chain Act — Steps You Can Take to Comply
The German Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains — also known as The German Supply Chain Act, Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDDA) or Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) — is new legislation passed in June 2021 which will take effect on January 1, 2023. It will then be further expanded on January 1, 2024.  This new piece of legislation is intended to hold companies responsible to human rights and environmental…
Reports Trends
Accelerate your DACH eCommerce – why you need more than a shopping cart
Do you want to know why some companies fail at online selling while others thrive? Well, the winners understand that in the impatient world of eCommerce, where your competition is merely a click away, optimizing the customer experience is crucial for successful eCommerce business. Those businesses having trouble often underestimate what today’s customer demands from a satisfying online experience. This article shows you that having a webshop with a “Buy…
Reports Trends
Customer behavior: what characterizes the DACH eCommerce market?
More and more DACH companies are reaching out to price monitoring tools to get a better understanding of their competition and provide better customer service. So, can price monitoring tools help in understanding customer behavior? What are the main characteristics of the DACH eCommerce market? How eCommerce brands and retailers in this region are adjusting their businesses to customers’ needs and expectations? Although eCommerce has been around for a long…