Countries Overview
European Ecommerce Overview: Norway
Norway is one of the Scandinavian countries. Its GDP in 2019 was US$403.34 billion. It borders Finland, Russia, and Sweden. It also has a sea border with Denmark. Norway is known throughout the world for its coasts – fjords.  In the case of the economy, Norway is doing quite well, but what about ecommerce? Does Norwegian like do shopping online? Do they prefer to pay by cards or digital wallets?…
Countries Overview
European Ecommerce Overview: Hungary
Hungary is a country in Central Europe. It has no access to the sea. It borders seven countries: Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. Since 2004 it belongs to the European Union. This country’s GDP was US$160.97 billion in 2019, which stood for 0.13 of the world economy.  In this article, we will cover the situation of the Hungarian ecommerce market, making it easier to understand its specification.…
Countries Overview
European Ecommerce overview: Denmark
Denmark is the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries. Its official name is the Kingdom of Denmark. GDP of this country in 2019 reached US$348.08 billion. It was the lowest score among all Scandinavian countries, but it doesn’t mean that its GDP is critically low. Denmark is placed at the 37th (globally) in the case of nominal GDP.  When it comes to ecommerce, Denmark is doing quite well. Last year its…
Countries Overview
European Ecommerce Overview: The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is a power on the world stage. It is an important player in many economic and social negotiations. Its GDP in 2019 stood at the level of US$2827.11 billion. Due to pandemic situations and Brexit, the year 2020 may be a little worse in the case of economics, but the UK still gets its power. Below you will find some valuable insights from the world of UK…
Countries Overview
European Ecommerce Overview: Spain
Spain is one of the biggest economies in Europe. But the crisis has, unfortunately, no mercy and hit Spain, too. Its GDP stands at the level of $1349.12 billion. The market is large, but therefore the competition is fierce. Consumers have a lot of choices when it comes to products in the stationery market. Despite the love of its culture and native products, Spain has many global items available in…
Countries Overview
European Ecommerce Overview: Benelux
Benelux is consist of three monarchies: Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Name Benelux is a consolidation of shortage from three member countries. All three countries are doing a good job in the case of the economy. But what about ecommerce?  In this text, you will find information about e-commerce in all three countries. We will start by covering the situation in Belgium. Let’s dive in. Ecommerce in Belgium Overview  In this…
Reports Trends
J.P. MORGAN Global Payment Trends: payment methods and insights in Germany
Germany is a demanding nation, especially when it comes to payments. These consumers need reassurance about the security of both their data and their money. Based on the information from the JP Morgan report, we present some of the most essential highlights regarding payment trends in Germany. Some trends seem to be rather constant while others may be surprising even for well-seasoned European market. We will cover them in the…
Reports Trends
DACH Industrial & Logistics Property: key takeaways from the Edison Group report
Logistics is the foundation of e-commerce activity. This market is well-developed in the DACH region. But what’s the logistics situation? Does the great popularity of e-commerce go hand in hand with logistics? Are there any trends? Do all DACH countries approach logistics same way? We will try to answer these and other questions by analyzing the report by Edison Group. We will provide only a few highlights; feel free to…
Reports Trends
6 highlights from Deloitte’s Global Powers of Retailing 2020 Report
The world economy is in a rather precarious situation. Many countries are struggling with the economic crisis, rising inflation, and economic growth which is rather low. The year 2020 brings many unknowns, mainly due to the pandemic that has affected the entire world. In this text, you will find some takeaways from the report that Deloitte prepared based on the data from before the pandemic has started. If you want…
Reconsidering the Customer Experience in Covid-19 Times
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our workforce, business operations, and how we approach customer service. Companies are finding innovative ways to continue attracting and retaining consumers amid safety concerns and regulations. By reconsidering customer service, we can better understand how to improve our relationship with clients as we face the pandemic journey together. Here are some ways you can adjust your business structure to help your company…
Industry catalogues Reports Trends
RetailX 2020 Report E-commerce Marketplaces: Germany overview
Marketplaces are a convenient way to shop – in one place, you can compare prices, products from different manufacturers, or sellers and buy several items from different areas. Europeans are becoming more and more convinced of such solutions. What is the situation in Germany? After all, it sounds like a perfect solution for every German – the ability to compare prices in one place, do thorough research, and finally ability…
Reports Trends
German customer profile: all you need to know
The customers are different around the world. Although you can define your target quite precisely in terms of age or gender, the geographic and cultural issues can significantly affect the way of marketing communication as well as the presentation and sale of products. What about German customers? What are their shopping habits? Would they enjoy features such as customer portal? What is the most important aspect to them when buying?…