
News Trends
5 Top eCommerce Growth Strategies for 2021
2020 was an exciting year for eCommerce. In the past 3-6 months, we have seen growth that normally would have taken a decade to achieve. Since the world is on lockdown and people are scared to leave their homes, shopping online has become the new normal.  Nearly 150 million people started to shop online during this pandemic. What ecommerce growth strategies can brands employ in 2021 and beyond to make…
News Reports Trends
Black Friday 2020 Statistics from the Semrush report
Since Black Friday is behind us, it is high time to analyze what has happened in the ecommerce industry this year. While 2020 is a big surprise for all of us, there was no surprise to the Black Friday’s fewer. A week (or in some cases even earlier) before November 27, the Internet was flooded by Black Week deals. What were the purchasing trends this year? Did they differ from…
News Trends
5 Strategies for German Shops to Increase Online Store Retention
You’re familiar with the relationship between good health and regular exercise. We all know that exercising regularly is great for the body and mind. And yet, we do not give it the time, effort, and importance that it deserves. Customer retention is like exercise. It’s good for you. It’s like a superfood for your business. But you probably don’t pay it the right amount of attention. Let’s change that, shall…
News Trends
The Predicted Gains and Statistics of German Ecommerce Business for 2021
Ecommerce brings a number of advantages to simple, boring businesses and allows them to make a mark even with meagre resources. Can you believe the projection that by the year 2040, 95% of purchases, no matter what kind of, will be made online? Moreover, statistics show that in just about 4 years, that is from 2017 to the end-2020 the online purchases of different services and products doubled. They went…
News Trends
Key takeaways from the Digital Food Strategy report
Undoubtedly 2020 has been tough for the global economy. Lockdown has been a burden for stores and supply chains. On the other hand, online channels have experience moments of glory like never before.  One of the industries most affected by the pandemic is the food sector. Casaleggio Associati made a report about this sector in Italy. Let’s find out how COVID-19 affected this delicious segment in a country hit massively…
News Trends
Do we want to sit on a red chair?
Having seen IKEA’s outstanding results in the DACH region, it is time to find out how Austrian furniture retailers XXXLutz and mömax (which is also owned by the XXXLutz Gruppe) perform in the online world. As all three companies have stores in all DACH countries now, it was time for media analytics company Neticle to collect their ups and downs from the past three months. Just like IKEA, mömax and…
Events News
CFP 2020: 6 numbers to remember + 6 winners to celebrate with
We have no idea where all this time has passed by, but the truth is: the Call For Papers contest has come to an end. This year was a record-breaking one, and unusual one, for many various reasons. To keep you in suspense (for a little while longer!), we decided to show you the Contest in numbers that speak for themselves. Scroll down, read on and finally find out who’s…
News Trends
The Dangers of eCommerce Brands relying on large marketplaces’
The Changing Landscape of Online Marketplaces  The use of large online marketplaces has long been a key part of businesses’ online growth. It is no wonder too, considering marketplaces are generally a quick, low cost and low-risk option for many companies to widen their customer base, test new markets and broaden international sales. The wide reach of large marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay means they are often the first…
Reconsidering the Customer Experience in Covid-19 Times
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of our workforce, business operations, and how we approach customer service. Companies are finding innovative ways to continue attracting and retaining consumers amid safety concerns and regulations. By reconsidering customer service, we can better understand how to improve our relationship with clients as we face the pandemic journey together. Here are some ways you can adjust your business structure to help your company…
Events News Trends
8 reasons to vote in our Call For Papers Contest
Our Call For Papers contest is nothing new – we’ve decided to launch another edition this year, with high hopes of getting another batch of great presentations and case studies delivered for the voting stage. We haven’t been let down: the Call For Papers contest managed to gather many insightful submissions, and now it’s time for you to choose which ones are to be presented during our Berlin Expo. Your…
News Reports
How COVID-19 affected retail in Germany: insights & statistics
It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the foundation of worldwide trade – both brick and mortar and ecommerce. While the restrictions are slowly being loosened, pandemic shopping habits have remained with many consumers. Keep reading if you are wondering how shopping looks nowadays.  What is the situation in Germany? Here you can read the statements of Simon Moore, CEO of Innovation Bubble consulting company. He provided some…
A brand with a special place in our hearts – and on our Pinterest boards
In which countries does IKEA have the best online reputation? For the following analysis of the Swedish furniture store’s presence on the web, media and text analytics company Neticle looked at the past three months’ results in the DACH region and found some unexpected differences. From the beginning of July to the end of September, IKEA on the German web had more than 132 thousand mentions, which dwarfs the numbers…