
Reports Trends
DACH Industrial & Logistics Property: key takeaways from the Edison Group report
Logistics is the foundation of e-commerce activity. This market is well-developed in the DACH region. But what’s the logistics situation? Does the great popularity of e-commerce go hand in hand with logistics? Are there any trends? Do all DACH countries approach logistics same way? We will try to answer these and other questions by analyzing the report by Edison Group. We will provide only a few highlights; feel free to…
Reports Trends
6 highlights from Deloitte’s Global Powers of Retailing 2020 Report
The world economy is in a rather precarious situation. Many countries are struggling with the economic crisis, rising inflation, and economic growth which is rather low. The year 2020 brings many unknowns, mainly due to the pandemic that has affected the entire world. In this text, you will find some takeaways from the report that Deloitte prepared based on the data from before the pandemic has started. If you want…
Industry catalogues Reports Trends
RetailX 2020 Report E-commerce Marketplaces: Germany overview
Marketplaces are a convenient way to shop – in one place, you can compare prices, products from different manufacturers, or sellers and buy several items from different areas. Europeans are becoming more and more convinced of such solutions. What is the situation in Germany? After all, it sounds like a perfect solution for every German – the ability to compare prices in one place, do thorough research, and finally ability…
Reports Trends
German customer profile: all you need to know
The customers are different around the world. Although you can define your target quite precisely in terms of age or gender, the geographic and cultural issues can significantly affect the way of marketing communication as well as the presentation and sale of products. What about German customers? What are their shopping habits? Would they enjoy features such as customer portal? What is the most important aspect to them when buying?…
News Reports
How COVID-19 affected retail in Germany: insights & statistics
It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the foundation of worldwide trade – both brick and mortar and ecommerce. While the restrictions are slowly being loosened, pandemic shopping habits have remained with many consumers. Keep reading if you are wondering how shopping looks nowadays.  What is the situation in Germany? Here you can read the statements of Simon Moore, CEO of Innovation Bubble consulting company. He provided some…
Reports Trends
11 highlights from E-Commerce Versandstudie 2020 (top 100 German online shops)
Imagine the following scenario: You buy in one stationary store, you have paid and then the seller disappears behind a wall with your bag without a word – and you don’t have one. Knowing what is happening and when you handed over the goods to get. A total failure in terms of customer service! But exactly that happens every day in Germany’s largest online shops. Here come 11 highlights from…
Reports Trends
The German Packaging Act (VerpackG): How to get your online shop compliant
The German Packaging Act, known as VerpackG in Germany, is one of the most important laws for e-commerce in Germany. No matter whether you are a start-up, SME, or big player – if you sell in Germany, the laws are applicable, and the price of non-compliance is high. If you have not heard about the packaging law yet, do not worry. Here we cover in detail the purpose of the…
Reports Trends
How to build a solid social media strategy for e-commerce
When was the last time you checked a social media platform? Have you used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or WhatsApp today? Maybe even multiple times? Social media has become a crucial part of our everyday lives. 3.6 billion people are using social media worldwide in 2020 – that’s almost half of the world’s total population. This means you could be missing out on a lot of sales possibilities if you don’t…
Reports Trends
M-commerce in Germany
M-commerce is short for mobile commerce. Simply saying it is e-commerce but via mobiles. It is getting more and more popular. No surprise, since we all spend over 3 hours a day using the phone. How does m-commerce present in Germany? We have covered the topic and showed you some interesting statistics in m-commerce topics. Lets’ dive in! E-commerce vs m-commerce E-commerce is so popular among German users. It is…
Reports Trends
Key e-commerce website mistakes and how to fix them
The success of an e-commerce business largely depends on the performance of the website – in terms of rankings (qualified traffic) and conversions (user experience). Key parameters to explore include page load speed, site security, and other SEO optimization issues. This is especially important as you need to please both people and search engines.  SEMrush has run hundreds of e-commerce websites through its Site Audit tool to uncover the most…
Reports Trends
Software & Ecommerce Project Management: a Mix You Can’t Miss Out On
May this year, Ecommerce News Europe published a study showing that 57% of Europeans “shop online more than ever” and that “about one in three Europeans (30 percent) are spending more money on virtual experiences.” With how 2020 has been going so far, it comes as no surprise. A major factor in this significant chatnge was – obviously – the Covid-19 pandemic. Even with the lockdowns steadily being lifted in…
Reports Trends
Key takeaways from The state of European checkouts in 2020 Report
The state of European checkouts in 2020 Report was created to highlight common mistakes during checkout. For e-commerce, it should be a priority. Below you can find a list of takeaways from this report. If you want to dive in, you can download the full report here.For the purposes of this report, 450 companies from Great Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, and Sweden were analysed. A surprising conclusion…