
The Best Tech and E-commerce Events to Visit in 2022 and 2023
If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve in the tech and ecommerce industries, then it’s important to attend some of the best events in the world. In this blog post, we will list some of the top events that you should visit in 2022 and 2023. These events are packed with information about the latest trends and technologies, so you’ll be able to implement them into your business…
Events News
K5 FUTURE RETAIL CONFERENCE 2022 – Die ersten Speaker stehen fest
Die Vorbereitungen für die zehnte K5 FUTURE RETAIL CONFERENCE am 29.+ 30.6.22 im ESTREL Berlin laufen auf Hochtouren. Nach langer pandemiebedingter Pause ist die Vorfreude auf das Konferenzjubiläum besonders groß:  “Allein der Gedanke daran, wieder in all die bekannten, aber auch neuen Gesichter blicken zu können, zaubert mir jetzt schon ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht. Das werden zwei Tage, die man so schnell nicht mehr vergessen wird” – K5 Geschäftsführerin Verena Schlüpmann Unser VERSPRECHEN auf der…
Taking Your e-Commerce Business International? Here’s How a Freight Company Can Help
With so many British businesses that are now based – at least, in part – online, it should come as little surprise that many e-commerce store owners are looking to increase their international standing, not just their domestic one. However, many e-commerce businesses are small enterprises with just a few employees on their payroll at most. What this often means is that they do not have the in-house know-how to…
Parcel Perform: Wachstum des Paketvolumens an Black Friday und Cyber Monday (BFCM) in Europa und den USA um mehr als 20 % im Jahr 2021 gesunken
Das Paketaufkommen in den USA wuchs an BFCM um 43 % und lag damit unter dem Wachstumswert von 2020 (71 %). In Europa verzeichnete das Paketaufkommen in 2021 nur einen Anstieg von 70 % – ein deutlicher Rückgang gegenüber 94 % im Jahr 2020.  Die Paketlaufzeiten haben  sich im Vergleich zum Vorjahr verbessert, leichte Verzögerungen gab es lediglich während des BFCM 2021. Fortschritte bei der Bewältigung des Paketaufkommens lassen sich…
Textile EPR: Recycling laws for fashion e-commerce across Europe
Different recycling laws apply across Europe. France is a pioneering nation for other EU countries in this area. For online retailers in particular, there are many regulations on the recycling of packaging, electrical appliances, and also textiles. German, or other non-French online retailers that ship to end-consumers France must also comply with these regulations. The French law on combating waste and the circular economy is particularly innovative, because it states,…
Industry catalogues News
Top 100 online shops by turnover in Germany
Due to the rapid growth of the e-commerce market in Germany, rankings are changing fast as well. This time, we will provide you with Statista’s report of the top-selling B2C online shops and hybrid marketplaces for physical goods. Additionally, we will show you selected marketplaces according to Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) in Germany’s sales generated in 2020. Are you ready? The top 100 online shops and hybrid marketplaces are based…
Is Omnichannel-Commerce the future of retail?
For a long time, trends have indicated that the reign of the more traditional, brick and mortar retail is threatened by online retail. Given the accelerated growth of e-commerce brought about since the pandemic, it seems such trends have increased. However, if we take a closer look at the development of online shops and retail stores, a different development is emerging, characterised by flexibility and the linking of several retail…
Industry catalogues News
Top 30 ecommerce agencies in Germany
The German economy is one of the most robust and most stable economies in the European Union. It is a massive part of the market. Dozens of companies are ready to provide their services day and night in such a way as to gain more and more customers. Choosing the best supplier is quite tricky as customer preferences change very quickly. Nevertheless, we have pioneers in the e-commerce market in…
The Post-Covid world: the role and relevance of B2B marketplaces
The Covid-19 pandemic was spreading around the globe, businesses and customer habits are affected, which has fueled the use of marketplaces. Companies were able to continue operating during the pandemic because of their products and services. Consequently, B2B marketplaces have experienced increased growth, but they are also facing increased pressure from B2C marketplaces since customers’ expectations have also risen. Since the pandemic’s start, more than 50% of B2B buyers and…
Win or lose on marketplaces is up to your content
The ecommerce world is rapidly evolving, both from business to business, and the business to customer aspects. Ecommerce customers search for products and find them on various sites and roughly these can be split into 2 categories – retailer’s sites and numerous marketplaces.   Online retailers realize the situation and understand that they need to provide customers with a consistent shopping experience across this variety of channels. That is why…
From the web to your doorstep: a package’s journey from the moment of purchase
A combination of advanced logistics, innovative technology and skilled employees are the key to getting an online purchase to consumers in a timely manner. Shipment tracking is an essential tool for tracking a package, and is very useful to know the current status of the goods, whether they have arrived at their destination or whether they are still on their way. Germany, 15th September 2021 – The last year has…
DACH e-commerce trend analysis: What’s driving German & Austrian online consumer behaviour in 2021 and beyond?
New European e-commerce research by Sendcloud surveys thousands of shoppers, providing a detailed overview of online shopping behaviour today. How do DACH shoppers compare with their counterparts in other major markets? And how can e-commerce retailers in the region cater fully to customers’ fast-changing preferences and expectations? Anyone who’s been watching the boom in online shopping in the DACH region over the past two years can tell you what a…