
Interviews Trends
“Let’s go global”: interview with Pouya Boland, CEO of Chiquelle
Pouya had a great talk during the E-commerce Warsaw Expo about international expansion, the rules for e-commerce success across the globe and how to expand to more markets quickly. Pouya agreed to share his insights with our readers, and we were thrilled to ask him a few questions! “Leading up a company from 0 to 100 MIL SEK without any financial invests or backups.” This is how you describe your…
Events Trends
EBE19 flashback: let’s see it once again!
Numbers speak for themselves: over 5000 visitors, 4 stages full of knowledge and 150 exhibitors from 21 countries. E-commerce Berlin Expo was held on the 20th of February, but our memories are still really vivid! More numbers? 8000 square metres and 7 hours with 40 speakers who shared their insights and expertise. We gathered e-commerce leaders as well as representatives of technological solutions designed especially for this industry. During the…
3 Easy Ways to Optimize Your PPC Campaign and Reduce Your ACoS
Amazon advertising is a double-edged sword. If done right, it can propel your Amazon store into a profit machine. If not done right, it can eat up your entire ad budget in no time. Optimizing your Amazon PPC, specifically Sponsored products, is one of the most effective ways to increase the visibility of your products and boosting sales. But how can you make sure that you are winning the advertising…
Events Trends
The potential of mobile, AI and machine learning strategy, customer engagement in the omnichannel world and more at EBE19!
The E-commerce Berlin Expo 2019 returned for its fourth edition to STATION Berlin. The potential of mobile, AI and machine learning strategy, customer engagement in the omnichannel world and industry predictions for 2019 were some of the most popular topics of the day. A successful fourth edition came to an end and there’s already plans for next year! Wednesday, 20 February 2019 – Germany’s capital gathered for the E-commerce Berlin…
Interviews Trends
E-commerce will merge experiences with the offline world – interview with Bruno Gorgulho
We invited Bruno Gorgulho, Head of Solutions Exponea, to talk about e-commerce, customer experience and Artificial Intelligence. Enjoy! Attend his session during E-commerce Berlin Expo 2019!   You’re a Head of Solutions at Exponea. What’s your role in the company? Bruno GorgulhoHead of Solutions Exponea My role is two fold, (1) to demonstrate how Exponea can solve problems customers might be facing to reach their objectives and (2) to qualify so that we only work with clients where we believe we can deliver some value. How large…
Soowr interview
Interviews Trends
Site search is the hidden gem of conversion optimisation – interview with Kylie Fletcher
Site search seems to be very underrated in the world of e-commerce. We decided to invite Kylie Fletcher, a Creative Content & Marketing at Sooqr, for a virtual cup of coffee and some small talk about site search, but not only. Attend her session during E-commerce Berlin Expo 2019!   You’re a Creative Content & Marketing at Sooqr. How does your usual day at work look like? Kylie FletcherCreative Content…
Facebook interview
Interviews Trends
We need to think about an ecosystem of ideas – interview with Christina Keller
We invited Christina Keller, a Regional Head of Creative Shop on Facebook, for a cup of virtual coffee to talk about e-commerce, inspirations and clever mobile architecture.  Attend her session during E-commerce Berlin Expo 2019!   You are a Regional Head of Creative Shop at Facebook. Can you tell us more about your work? What are your responsibilities? Christina KellerRegional Head of Creative Shop Facebook We are a team of former advertising people – copywriters, art directors, filmmakers, planners – with a huge hunger for big and innovative ideas. We are no internal agencies but see…
Reports Trends
Conflicting SEO Signals
Sites fail to live up to their full potential in Google Search because their on-page signals are conflicting, rather than consistent. These are the Top-5 most common pitfalls. One of the most fundamental and consequential mistakes when it comes to SEO is failure to display consistent signals. As a result search engine bots and algorithms are frequently confused and unable to rank landing pages as prominently as they could. Few…
Events News Trends
The 15 speakers you cannot miss at the E-commerce Berlin Expo
On the 20th of February, Station Berlin welcomes with open arms the e-commerce elite from all over the world. Each stage will be packed with knowledge, expertise and experience. Deciding who to watch is not the easiest nut to crack, but we are here to help you. Below, you’ll find a list of speakers whose talks you simply can’t miss during the Expo. The list is in alphabetical order! The…
Interviews Trends
Google will continue to adapt to changing user behaviour and evolving environment – interview with Fili Wiese
If you want to know a bit more about SEO, there are two things you simply have to do: first of them, is to read our exclusive interview with Fili Wiese, SEO Expert at Then, you should do nothing but attend his session during E-commerce Berlin Expo 2019!   You are an ex-Google engineer. How do you like to work on the other side, as an SEO Expert? Fili…
Interviews Trends
Payment will be quicker than today and invisible – interview with Thomas Ficht
Have you ever heard about an open invoice? Have you ever considered why people abandon their shopping carts? Think no more – read our interview with Thomas Ficht, Head of Payment at MyToys, who shares his insights about payment issues! Since February 2018 you’ve been in charge of payment, risk and receivables at myToys Group. That sounds like a huge responsibility. What kind of challenges do you face in your…
Interviews Trends
The potential of reCommerce is enormous – interview with Shimon Koifman, Head of Product at reBuy
What are the main principles of great user experience? What is the future of re-ecommerce? We invited Shimon Koifman, Head of Product at reBuy, for some virtual Americano and cookies to share some insights with us! reBuy is an online marketplace that allows its users to buy and sell used electronics and media. How many users monthly visit reBuy? Does this number grow continuously? Some channels are growing fast, some…